


Fr 16.12.2022

Beiträge: 1.434Folgt: 188Folgende: 513

FOSS Enthusiast on Android and Linux,
Passionate 🦀 developer
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User of and Member of the Foundation








FineFindus (@FineFindus@floss.social)

Föderation EN So 25.08.2024 19:53:11

Small UI update for muting hashtags in . Also, choosing a duration for how long hashtags are muted.

Happy to hear feedback on the row descriptions. I'm a bit unsure about their wording and clarity

A smartphone screen showing a sheet titled "Mute hashtag." The hashtag "#iosdev" is displayed in bold in the center. Below the hashtag, three bullet points outline the consequences of muting: posts mentioning the hashtag won't appear in the user's Home timeline, others won't know about the mute, and posts can still be found on other timelines or through search.
Below that a row with a clock icon, titled "Duration" allows changing the duration. At the bottom center, two buttons allow the user to "Mute" the hashtag or "Cancel" the action.

(Medien: 1)


FineFindus (@FineFindus@floss.social)

Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 21:03:20

Inspired by @Tuba, I've added the option to remove (some) tracking parameters from links in . The feature works for opening, copying and posting links.

A screenshot of the "Privacy and reach" section of Moshidon settings. There is a new setting, called "Private Links", that removes tracking information from links.

(Medien: 1)


FineFindus (@FineFindus@floss.social)

Föderation EN Do 04.07.2024 21:03:21

Finally got around to revamp the account picker in @moshidon. It now uses a similar sheet to the account switcher.

A screenshot of a bottom sheet. The sheet is title "Boost with other account". Below the avatar, username and handle of FineFindus.

(Medien: 1)


FineFindus (@FineFindus@floss.social)

Föderation EN Do 27.06.2024 22:02:40

Two small fixes I implemented in @moshidon today:
- Links to Mastodon.social posts now open correctly instead of opening a redirect warning page in the browser.
- Lemmy posts no longer show a blank space below them


FineFindus (@FineFindus@floss.social)

Föderation EN Sa 15.06.2024 19:13:50

Inspired by @cheeaun, I just implemented the upcoming timeline of posts about a trending news article for @moshidon.

Screenshot of the Moshidon mobile application. The screenshot shows a header at the top of the page with the title and author of the news article. Next to it is a button to read the article.
Below the header is a list of posts where people are talking about the article.

(Medien: 1)


FineFindus (@FineFindus@floss.social)

Föderation EN Mo 27.05.2024 22:40:45

community: We are currently experimenting in @moshidon nightly with removing duplicate settings that can already be controlled from the system preferences. Specifically this time the haptic feedback/vibration setting.
Does your phone have an option to disable it in the system settings (called Touch feedback, usually found under Accessibility > Vibrations & Haptics)?
If not, please reply with your Android version and phone brand so we can take this into account, thanks!


FineFindus (@FineFindus@floss.social)

Föderation EN So 12.05.2024 21:15:43

I've really enjoyed working on new features for @moshidon lately, so here's another one. Polls now animate to show their options when you click "Show Results".
Way too much time was spent just watching and enjoying the animation.


FineFindus (@FineFindus@floss.social)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 23:04:19

Just implemented import/export of settings in @moshidon.

You no longer have to painstakingly reapply each setting when you switch phones, instead just log in to all your accounts and import the exported settings from the previous phone.


FineFindus (@FineFindus@floss.social)

Föderation EN Di 07.05.2024 19:36:37

Very excited about the future of Mastodon with synchronised timelines (a highly requested feature in @moshidon) and grouped notifications (another highly requested feature).



FineFindus (@FineFindus@floss.social)

Föderation EN So 05.05.2024 21:15:32

I feel like I have way too many projects right now that need my attention