
LibertyForward1 :v_bi:

LibertyForward1 :v_bi: (@LibertyForward1@beige.party)

Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 19:35:49

@eclectech eclectech.co.uk/words?word=Zkt

"My first is in hepatitis but not in pettish
My second is in agreement but not in magnate
My third is in salacity but not in catalytic
My fourth is in poesy but not in soppy"



charvaka (@charvaka@hivemind.plus)

Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 21:02:42

@LibertyForward1 @eclectech

I love Riddle-o-matic!

My first is in neocolonialism but not in comeliness
My second is in migraine but not in imagine
My third is in boost but not in boot
My fourth is in naked but not in dank


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 22:07:27

@enby_of_the_apocalypse @LibertyForward1 @charvaka yep, the links with the code and seed on the end take you to a particular one, then you can regen on the page or generate one for a different word

Frank Hightower

Frank Hightower (@FrankHghTwr@meow.social)

Föderation EN Fr 13.09.2024 01:14:27

@charvaka @LibertyForward1 @eclectech
Aww, a cute little riddle, let's try to solve it!
...blimey you got me good