


So 06.11.2022

Beiträge: 6.590Folgt: 681Folgende: 2.799

I make silly animations & pictures.

Interested in all thing visual ( ) & many things relating to , & the world around us.

Sometimes meticulously edit photos to create something fantastical, but usually just scribble on stuff.

Everything I post is made by me, unless clearly stated, & no AI (all nonsense here is human generated).

Leans to the left. Full of woke nonsense & happy about it. She/her.

This is my main social media account.





Occasionally on Bluesky:


Used to be on Twitter:



eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN So 15.09.2024 11:53:40

A landscape photo of a very calm loch at sunset. In the distance is the silhouette of the far bank, with its reflection black in the water. It undulates, and is spiky with the top of trees in places. The sun has set behind the far bank and the sky is orange, reflected in the calm loch waters. In the centre of the photo there is the splash of a stone having been thrown in to the loch, and the fountain of displaced water, dark and scattered, in line with the setting sun.

(Medien: 1)


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Sa 14.09.2024 13:06:21

EXCITING NEWS! I have NOTHING - repeat NOTHING - in the diary for me to do today.

I mean, there's things I COULD do. And arguably many things I SHOULD do. But nothing I HAVE to do.

Current me, in cloud form.

A photo of a roundish fluffy white cloud against a bright blue sky and peeking out from behind some tall green leafy trees. It has a happy face and upturned arms drawn on.

(Medien: 1)


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 17:54:27

So recently OpenAI has been stomping around my (silly, personal, non-commercial) website using GBs of bandwidth in a rather rude, arrogant & brutish manner.

We were going to block it, but Mr Tech pointed out that it had got caught in the Riddle-o-Matic, some silliness that we made about 25 years ago (for reasons unremembered) & it is consuming never-ending nonsense.

"It's basically ChatGPT poison" he said. "Shall we leave it?"

"Aye, may as well"

Bloody cheek though.



eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Mi 28.08.2024 22:09:47

That feeling when you walk down an old town street, exclaim in delight at the most amazing gateway, then read the sobering information panel about how it was funded by the slave trade.

This is the Powis Gateway in the Old Aberdeen University campus, and is a beautiful location with a sorry story behind it. At least the history is being acknowledged. More info here:

A 360 degree photo warped into a tiny planet sphere surrounded by a cloudy sky. On the north is an ornate gateway; an archway with a clock face and tall, circular matching towers either side. Stone walls lead off down a cobbled street left and right. There is a large leafy tree to the right of the right hand tower, and more trees, less prominent, on the left hand side. On the south side of the sphere old building jut out from the street.

(Medien: 1)


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Mo 05.08.2024 22:37:44

OK, we all see this yes? Yes. I don't know why I bothered scribbling really.

A view looking out over a loch with a commercial boat on the right, lit by the sun, a small island with a lighthouse on the left, and misty mountains in the distance. The majority of the image is blue sky with fluffy white and grey clouds, upon which I have drawn the outline of an elephant because that's what the cloud was shaped like. It was UNCANNY. All hail the elecloud!

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eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN So 04.08.2024 18:48:12

Found some rusty old buoys having an existential crisis at the lochside.

A photo of 3 large metal rusted buoys on grass. They have a hole in them, which looks like a shocked open mouth, so I added eyes and arms to accentuate the horror.

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eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN So 04.08.2024 13:48:12

The sea has painted a picture for

A photo of the reflection of a white lighthouse on a small rock, reached on foot by a white fenced walkway. The water it is reflected in is very lightly rippled, and I have turned the photo upside down so the lighthouse is the right way up. The ripples make the lighthouse rough around the edges, and it looks very much like it has been painted.

(Medien: 1)


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 13:10:27

Getting distracted by lichen now. I'd forgotten how excellent this spot was; really need to head back. Maybe I'll find out what this one saw that disturbed them so much.

A close up photo of the white tubular lichen. There are a number of tubes of different heights and one at the back has an indentation that looks like an open mouth shouting. I have added eyes and raised eyebrows above the indentation.

(Medien: 1)


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 16:03:59

Went for a walk to the land where the octopi grow

A photo of a blue bell plant with five purple flowers, petals curling up at the bottom. The flower grows in the middle of a sea of green leaves, many soft focus. Each flower has a cute happy face drawn on. With the way each petal curls up they made me think about how a kid (or, indeed, an adult like me) would draw an octopus.

(Medien: 1)


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN So 21.04.2024 13:53:42

A bit of classic English art for a Sunday afternoon; Constable's The Hay Wain (1821), with added Myfanwy & Friend (2024).

The Hay Wain painting depicts a rural river English scene of the 1800s image. It has three horses pulling a large wooden wagon across the river, with a dog on the shore on the left near a pretty cottage. On the right are fields, with large trees scattered all around. There are two figues in the cart; these are now Myfanwy, the large knitted chicken, and friend.

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