

eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 16:03:59

Went for a walk to the land where the octopi grow

A photo of a blue bell plant with five purple flowers, petals curling up at the bottom. The flower grows in the middle of a sea of green leaves, many soft focus. Each flower has a cute happy face drawn on. With the way each petal curls up they made me think about how a kid (or, indeed, an adult like me) would draw an octopus.

(Medien: 1)

handmade ghost

handmade ghost (@handmade_ghost@sunny.garden)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 16:16:06

@eclectech so tiny and perfect 🥹


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 16:19:50

@handmade_ghost Imagine how adorable it is when they all drop from their stems and make their way to the water 😍

handmade ghost

handmade ghost (@handmade_ghost@sunny.garden)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 16:22:27

@eclectech oh my goodness: tiny purple migration

Tristan Colgate-McFarlane

Tristan Colgate-McFarlane (@tmcfarlane@toot.community)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 16:38:00

@eclectech I went to an aquarium once that had a lifecycle for jellyfish, and honestly, it's only slightly less bonkers than "grows on plants in forests".
I was completely dumb founded, to the point where my wife more or less had to stop me stopping random strangers and getting them to read the display.

(Medien: 1)


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 16:59:04

@tmcfarlane A jellyfish has an in-between stage as a POLYP?! What?!

Tristan Colgate-McFarlane

Tristan Colgate-McFarlane (@tmcfarlane@toot.community)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 17:00:56

@eclectech yeah, they grow that little tree of jellyfish and then all the little'ins float off into the void.
(when I say my wife "more or less" had to stop me, I mean, yeah, she stopped me, but people needed to know!)


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 17:04:23

@tmcfarlane Absolutely. Genuinely astounded by that. Nature is wild.

Tristan Colgate-McFarlane

Tristan Colgate-McFarlane (@tmcfarlane@toot.community)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 17:07:40

@eclectech Also mentioned was that fact that some can actually turn back into a polyp. So "jellyfish grow on trees", and "some jellyfish are immortal", was all in like one display. I do love an aquarium.



Sheepnik (@sheepnik@toot.wales)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 16:56:46

@eclectech My brain is now going "Oh give me a home, where the octopi roam, where the squid and the cuttlefish play."

To be fair, this is better than the afternoon coffee break adaption for "Do you think I'm sexy" which is also trying to work its way into my head.

Angua :neodog_flag_disabled:

Angua :neodog_flag_disabled: (@AnguaDelphine@mk.absturztau.be)

Föderation · Mi 08.05.2024 17:08:29


OK you gave me an earworm.

AltText link to Octopus's Garden with Lyrics. The Beatles.

berserk du soleil

berserk du soleil (@aetataureate@gamedev.lgbt)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 22:41:44

@eclectech this one is great ahahaha omg


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 22:51:36

@aetataureate hehehe, thank you