

eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 13:10:27

Getting distracted by lichen now. I'd forgotten how excellent this spot was; really need to head back. Maybe I'll find out what this one saw that disturbed them so much.

A close up photo of the white tubular lichen. There are a number of tubes of different heights and one at the back has an indentation that looks like an open mouth shouting. I have added eyes and raised eyebrows above the indentation.

(Medien: 1)

Angua :neodog_flag_disabled:

Angua :neodog_flag_disabled: (@AnguaDelphine@mk.absturztau.be)

Föderation · So 16.06.2024 14:27:33


Well if one of the others were pointing forward I would say Donald Sutherland in Invasion Of The Body Snatchers 1978.

But, that degree of distress, rooted to the spot*, I would guess a predator?

*It's Sunday and I haven't slept for nearly 24 hours.


Alandthra (@soniadevonie@c.im)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 14:39:02

@eclectech I see baby Groot


Julia (@thalassa@fandom.ink)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 20:07:01

@eclectech I am Groot! 🤩


Anja-in-Wonderland (@anja_in_wonderland@fediworld.de)

Föderation · So 16.06.2024 23:30:23

@eclectech@things.uk 🤩 Have a wonderful week 🤗