
Martin Guay 👨‍💻🌈🎮📱🍁

Martin Guay 👨‍💻🌈🎮📱🍁 (@MartinGuay@mstdn.ca)

· Föderation EN Mo 06.05.2024 16:57:19


Depending on your needs, you could theoretically and if you have the network capacity host your own instance at home if you have some spare hardware. I'm considering this as a project...

@shellsharks @jcrabapple

Jcrabapple 💙

Jcrabapple 💙 (@jcrabapple@dmv.community)

Föderation EN Mo 06.05.2024 17:02:26

@MartinGuay @CliffWade @shellsharks yes but given the context we're talking about services that host it for you because you don't want to deal with it.