
D. B. Stuck


Mo 26.06.2023

Beiträge: 4.570Folgt: 1.476Folgende: 499

I'm just a guy trying to get a rug that pulls the whole room together. :: We're all trapped on this crazy world together and sometimes you have to laugh at the people acting like crabs in a bucket.

Bio Pic Alt Txt: A shamelessly stolen piece of graphic art showing The Dude from the movie The Big Lebowski. He's got his long hair and beard which makes him look religious and he has a saintly halo around him. He's sporting his signature sweater and v-neck shirt and is wearing sunglasses.


Cis Male

D. B. Stuck

D. B. Stuck (@MyWoolyMastadon@toot.community)

Föderation EN Fr 13.10.2023 15:06:43

I'm conflicted on the Android phone app to use with . has robust features compared to at the moment. But Tusky shows the time line in a fashion that's easier to read for me.

I'm hoping this doesn't turn into a rerun of my search for a Linux distro that scratches all of my itches.

D. B. Stuck

D. B. Stuck (@MyWoolyMastadon@toot.community)

Föderation EN Sa 16.09.2023 04:01:51


I'm going back and forth with and . Tusky wins most of the time. I'll need to check out your suggestion.

D. B. Stuck

D. B. Stuck (@MyWoolyMastadon@toot.community)

Föderation · So 23.07.2023 15:15:07

Hey , what android app are you using? I'm looking at going down the rabbit hole and trying some new ones.