
Simon Flett

· Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 09:27:48

@Sustainable2050 I wish i could vote, but my vote was confiscated by my own Government upon the whim of a tiny marginal majority. They stole our democratic rights from us & crowed they had delivered "freedom". All they delivered was economic damage and a lasting, enduring, bitterness. We are preparing emphatically to eject the moronic from power on 4th July. Watch us do it. Please, in the meantime, hold our Star for us. ⭐️


Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 10:42:59

@RejoinEU Yes they stole my Citizenship of (most of) Europe too
Weirdly the worse off are now actually the Subjects (sometime wrongly known as citizens) of the UK
Pre-Brexit - All the now remaining 27 EU Country citizens plus UK subjects had the right to travel, live work and retire anywhere in the 28 Countries of the EU

Alexa Devreux-Swift

Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 10:46:48

@RejoinEU @Sustainable2050 me too, I lost my vote due to Brexit which has done nothing but deliver catastrophe upon authoritarianism and division upon bigotry and democratic backsliding.

Paul H 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 10:50:18

@RejoinEU @Sustainable2050

All our young people have also had their rights and freedoms to work, live and love beyond this septic isle stolen by those same nut-jobs. And it's happened without their consent as most were <18 in 2016.

I'm not an angry person, but this makes me furious!