
Kees van der Leun

Föderation EN Mi 05.06.2024 21:20:52

We're being told that there'll a big swing to the far-right in the European Parliament. Polls show much more modest movements.
But now, let's vote! Important for Ukraine, energy, climate, and much more. The Netherlands will vote tomorrow, other countries follow until Sunday.

Banner saying USE YOUR VOTE. European elections 6-9 June 2024.

(Medien: 1)

Arsimael Inshan

Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 02:20:37

@Sustainable2050 Article 17, Chat Control.

And people are actually wondering why the EU is seen more and more as a burden?

Simon Flett

Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 09:27:48

@Sustainable2050 I wish i could vote, but my vote was confiscated by my own Government upon the whim of a tiny marginal majority. They stole our democratic rights from us & crowed they had delivered "freedom". All they delivered was economic damage and a lasting, enduring, bitterness. We are preparing emphatically to eject the moronic from power on 4th July. Watch us do it. Please, in the meantime, hold our Star for us. ⭐️


Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 10:42:59

@RejoinEU Yes they stole my Citizenship of (most of) Europe too
Weirdly the worse off are now actually the Subjects (sometime wrongly known as citizens) of the UK
Pre-Brexit - All the now remaining 27 EU Country citizens plus UK subjects had the right to travel, live work and retire anywhere in the 28 Countries of the EU

Alexa Devreux-Swift

Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 10:46:48

@RejoinEU @Sustainable2050 me too, I lost my vote due to Brexit which has done nothing but deliver catastrophe upon authoritarianism and division upon bigotry and democratic backsliding.

Paul H 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 10:50:18

@RejoinEU @Sustainable2050

All our young people have also had their rights and freedoms to work, live and love beyond this septic isle stolen by those same nut-jobs. And it's happened without their consent as most were <18 in 2016.

I'm not an angry person, but this makes me furious!


Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 12:14:53

@Sustainable2050 OK I have a weird question.

How do I vote? I registered, and voted today, but all I really wanted was to vote for Pirate Party or Greens. But there were 200 candidates, a dozen+ from each party, so I just... picked one. I found the lack of information on how to vote really frustrating. This is something the US actually does better, to be honest, and in more languages.

Kees van der Leun

Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 12:32:29

@Fuzzbizz Picking any one candidate from a list just adds one vote to that party's total, contributing to its number of seats. Normally the highest listed candidates get the seats, but if someone below them has many votes they can be elected instead.


Föderation EN Do 06.06.2024 13:14:10

@Sustainable2050 So... basically I should pick the top candidate from the party I want unless I particularly want one of the ones lower on the list? And just to be clear - I can only vote for one? I had hoped to be able to express support for greens and pirates.