Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 14:54:49 Now... THIS... This is exactly a curtailment of free speech. When the government threatens to incarcerate you for saying something it doesn't like. That is a perfect example of the limitation of free speech. (Medien: 1) |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 14:56:05 @Remittancegirl I can't help but laughing at how this all starts out as so authoritarian yet ends all business email-like. "Thank you for your attention to this matter." WTF? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:15:37 @CoachMark it was written by a new aide |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:59:59 @Remittancegirl @CoachMark AI-de? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:40:26 @Remittancegirl @CoachMark Some people are saying it's a Kool Aide. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:44:32 Seriously, this is Trump ATTEMPTING to act presidential. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:46:00 In Germany, we are a litte more formal about such things, but the aim is similar: Here is the original German marvellously bureaucratic document: https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/20/150/2015035.pdf |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:46:06 @CoachMark @Remittancegirl Um... because it is business. Read up on I.G. Farben's contribution to the Nazi party. At a secret meeting in 1933 which included four I.G. Farben directors and Krupp chief Gustav Krupp, Hitler promised he would eliminate trade unions and communism and asked for financial support. His party received over 2 million Reichsmarks at that meeting to fund their campaign. See any parallels? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:59:55 @Grommit @CoachMark @Remittancegirl Every ruler needs to make deals with money to keep power. Even kings 'chosen by god' needed to make deals to make wars. Fascist dictators are no different. Trump's weakness is that he needs the mediocre and incompetent working for him to feel exceptional. Trump made a deal with Musk—now his money is evaporating. His weakness in action. Btw, "politeness" for Trump is just a way to control the people in whatever room he's in. Refusing to be obsequious is just a quick way for Trump to flag people before anything of substance is said. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:00:37 @_chris_real @CoachMark @Remittancegirl Dots connecting? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:10:18 w |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:39:10 w |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:42:47 w |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 18:15:41 w |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 14:57:57 @Remittancegirl Also, masks are fine for HIS people, his illegal militia members, etc. Militias are illegal in every state, it's a mystery why nothing's ever done about them. I guess because the cops are always involved with them. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:11:21 @Nonya_Bidniss I suspect you put your finger on it exactly |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:20:55 @Nonya_Bidniss @Remittancegirl Obama is silent. This isn’t a coup. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:22:02 @khoji @Remittancegirl The coup is a coup. The broad failure of legacy Dems to address the coup is a separate problem. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:58:15 @khoji @Nonya_Bidniss @Remittancegirl I’m not sure their input would be helpful. MAGA mindset would be to turn the argument against them and inflame the issue. I hope they are working in the background !! |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:01:07 @columbduffy @khoji @Nonya_Bidniss @Remittancegirl Yep, the voters gave the SOB the rope, so just sit back and let him hang himself with it. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:24:07 @khoji ohhhhh all of this is the Dems fault? Get bent dude. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:16:40 @scottytrees @khoji Nah, it's not their fault, but we do need to look elsewhere for leadership willing to guide--or at least figurehead--the resistance. Definitely stop giving them money. All those past contributions they fundraised on the back of "Look at what the Republicans are doing now! Give us cash so we can stop them! Vote blue, no matter who!" bought us exactly what they are doing right now. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 19:09:29 @log @scottytrees |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 19:13:16 @khoji @scottytrees They're like that contractor that you hire to install the tile in your shower that says they'll be there on Tuesday between 10 and 12, and then suddenly it's Friday of the next week and they have apparently forgotten how to answer a telephone. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 21:28:32 @log Didn't you spend some time a while back commenting on how Biden and Harris were overlooking Israel war crimes in Gaza? I seem to recall that in my timeline. |
Föderation DE Di 04.03.2025 16:30:38 @khoji It‘s the Dems‘ fault. Sure. |
Föderation DE Di 04.03.2025 19:39:39 @hengstenberg @khoji |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:42:35 @khoji Thanks for participating in the right's Divide and Conquer strategy by whinging about a lack of instantaneous response to a psychotic 2AM rant by a fucking idiot. They're all old people. They're probably still in bed. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:11:34 @Nonya_Bidniss @Remittancegirl What do you want to say with this? Have there been reports of Trump-supporting militias wearing masks to hide their face? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:22:44 "Have there been reports of Trump-supporting militias wearing masks to hide their face?" You apparently do not have much direct exposure to immediate, real-time news about far-right political actions in the United States -- particularly those with photography |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:23:38 @FinchHaven @Nonya_Bidniss @Remittancegirl Yes, so I ask. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:24:42 And you've been answered And no, I will not scurry around to find evidence for you Do your own homework |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:25:20 @herdsoft Is this trolling? Here is one example of a Trump supporting militia marching with masks. There are many examples, so I don't think I need to do the work for you. You must be trolling. https://www.kcci.com/article/iowans-share-concerns-after-masked-members-of-extremist-group-patriot-front-march-in-des-moines/63883874 |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:55:23 @Nonya_Bidniss @Remittancegirl No, I'm not Trolling and I really want to get more information here. I'm from Germany and I have not heard of these incidents before. Your link only shows "Sorry, this content is not available in your region." from here. But based on your link title I found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELSmQc2UY10 On a first glance the organization from that video reminds in the german nazi group "SA" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturmabteilung They were very dangerous and important for Hitlers empowerment |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:02:49 @Remittancegirl "Illegal protests" but we have the right to peacefully assemble (for the time being), so this is another proclamation that is so full of contradictions it can only cause chaos and confusion. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 18:32:54 @rejinl got serious grievances with the board of regents? trustees, etc? *Now* you have REAL power! "attend to issue blah, or 5 of us will stage an 'illegal' protest. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:03:54 @Remittancegirl And still crickets from Democrats and non-MAGA Republicans. How?? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:10:14 Ok...what are "illegal protests"? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:12:54 @Wileymiller @Remittancegirl I assume anything that the Felon Puppet deems to be illegal, on instructions from his oligarch masters. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:13:44 @Wileymiller @Remittancegirl in a fascist oligarchical state? Anything and everything, I guess. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:19:15 @Wileymiller any protest that offend him |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:25:48 @Wileymiller @Remittancegirl These people don't care about the law. The message itself has all of the pretext needed to understand the goal. The >protests< are what they want to punish. Wearing a mask, for example, would probably be sufficient for them to justify "enforcement." Imagine going back to a time where an officer could smash your taillight to justify giving you a citation, and you'll get an idea of where this is headed. Think I'm being hyperbolic? Check back with me in a year. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:29:45 @Grommit |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:11:44 @Remittancegirl well, I mean, there is the ‘none of these protests are illegal; see the first amendment’. Yeah, I know they don’t fucking understand that, and it’s a stretch to get administrations and cops to not fucking grind protesters up in any available excuse… but it does clash with the orange numpty’s brain leakage. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:22:51 @Remittancegirl Like the next item on his dictatorship To Do list. "Hey, You've now got the Confirmation Memo. Dictatorship on day 1 proceeding as planned." |
Föderation DE Di 04.03.2025 15:30:02 @Remittancegirl "Free Sprecken SCHTONK!" |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:31:43 Before we get to that there is the whole question of Congress being replaced by the new "Law by Tweet/Truth/Brainsnap/Project2025" method. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:32:26 @Remittancegirl Can you please add alt text to that photo so that people who are sight impaired know what it says? Thank you. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 18:36:09 @grayladywriter @Remittancegirl |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:33:21 @Remittancegirl Our mighty Russian dictator at work. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:35:39 So when felon Trump puts out things like this, we ask if his prior Executive Order from 2019 requiring free speech on campuses is still in effect. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:37:43 @Remittancegirl Waking up in the US right now is like losing a Amendment to the Constitution every day. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:38:10 Someone needs to keep captioning these posts into THIS picture. because it is all the power this statement has. Trump is not a king even IF he acts like one (Medien: 1) |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:42:29 @Remittancegirl Who defines whether a protest is illegal? The skin color of the protesters? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:44:13 @Remittancegirl it is actually a perfect encapsulation of the entire reason there is a First Amendment to the US constitution. Not that he knows or cares at all about the bill of rights but…. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:44:27 @Remittancegirl That's literally violation of USA's 1st amendment. You cannot be punished for rallying and or criticizing government. Someone should lecture dumbass Trump about laws. Then again he has proven many times he doesn't give a shit about laws. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 21:16:48 @rejzor @Remittancegirl Laws only exist when they are enforced. Much of what Trump and Elon have done is unconstitutional and illegal. They’re still gleefully doing it and destroying the country as they go. The Executive Branch controls law enforcement. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:44:40 @Remittancegirl Ah I see, so much more free speech than in Germany. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:46:44 No masks. Knew they'd come for that eventually. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:49:36 @Remittancegirl should I hold my breath while waiting for the "being transphobic is vital campus discourse" people to condemn this? 🤔 |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:50:25 The following is what I think Trump said in that post: ^^^ I wish the people would just accept this new way of life in the United States. I certainly could be wrong but reading between the lines is my special skill. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:52:10 @Remittancegirl Yes, this is a genuine threat to violate the First Amendment. I used to joke that I was an expert on Third Amendment case law; now I'm starting to worry that there might actually be some in the next few years. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:53:05 @Remittancegirl can’t wait for the #secondamendment people to kick up a fuss about this! Oh wait, this is what they’ve been creaming their pants over for decades. Finally they get to be the boot on the neck of someone even weaker than themselves. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 15:58:39 |
Föderation DE Di 04.03.2025 16:02:23 @Remittancegirl |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:03:03 @Remittancegirl illegal protest is an oxymoron anyway. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:08:34 (Medien: 1) |
Föderation · Di 04.03.2025 16:09:15 @Madeleine Morris This is the perfect example of how a dictatorship begins. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:12:03 @Remittancegirl there was this idiot on LinkedIn spamming every thread about how Biden is totally bad for violating the free speech sancticity during the pandemic - by ordering the social medias to limit the spread of misinformation about vaccines etc. And that Trump would never do this. Right. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:16:18 @Remittancegirl To summarize for those of you who might be a little slow, Trump is grabbing anything he wants by the pussy. That includes the U.S. government and treasury, Canada and Mexico, Ukraine (though he's gifting that to his buddy Putin). But I guess America knows that already because that is exactly what they voted for. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:33:55 @Remittancegirl After 1,5 month in the chair, new US administration ticks of almost all boxes for being undemocratic and fascist country. We can say whatever about Trump. But he's efficient. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:34:45 @Remittancegirl Wow. This is going to get ugly. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:35:48 @Remittancegirl #Trump said he would be a dictator on Day 1. He’s still a dictator on Day 43. #DictatorTrump is silencing the FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to assemble & protest! #OustTrump |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:38:12 |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:44:48 @Remittancegirl I've been waiting for my 'red line' that will signify that I am truly living in a dictatorship. Threatening to imprison college students who protests really looks like that kind of sign. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:55:00 I hate to say it, but the US regime has form for repression. Remember the Kent State massacre, 4th of May 1970? President Nixon: Sound familiar? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:56:32 @princess_uncles @Remittancegirl Yes. I am aware of these historical events. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:46:27 I'm old enough to remember when Trump, Musk and the MAGA crowd were "free speech" warriors. Turns out, they only meant their speech. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:49:42 @Remittancegirl that orange guy is so full of sh... Maybe we may need a little and silent r3v0lut10n no to attarct the big brother eye but to dismantle the system bit by bit. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:50:36 |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:50:50 Republicans were never really the "free speech" party. Trump's billionaire donors have made American democracy into a nation of abusive speech. Exploitive speech. Disinformation speech. Bigoted speech. Hate speech. https://www.techpolicy.press/free-speech-was-never-the-goal-of-tech-billionaires-power-was/ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/15/elon-musk-hypocrite-free-speech https://themunicheye.com/impact-of-tech-billionaires-on-free-speech-9120 https://jonathancook.substack.com/p/billionaires-dangle-free-speech-like https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/bezos-billionaires-limit-debate https://www.pajiba.com/news/free-speech-cannot-exist-under-a-billionaires-algorithm.php https://debatingmatters.com/topic/billionaires-owning-media-companies-is-bad-for-democracy/ |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:08:45 That power was the thing Tech Bros wanted more than money seemed obvious when Mark Zuckerberg said, "Fuck 'em," over how naive his Harvard classmates were when they used his nascent FB. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:24:41 It's unsurprising that Facebook was born at elite colleges like Harvard. The wealthy have always sought ways to spy on an unwilling populace. Zuckerberg started with a way to spy on university girls without their consent. Is it any surprise that his creation morphed into a way to spy on democracy without the electorate's consent? Or a way to spy on markets without the permission of consumers? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:52:05 @Remittancegirl The SOB is insane. America has had it so good for so long that average Americans have forgotten how bad things can get. We're now getting a dose of reality as this moron crashes the economy and threatens his critics. Unfortunately, this will likely get worse, but I'm all for it that's what it takes to get rid of these bastards. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:54:43 @Remittancegirl The US has had "free speech zones" The rule generally is fascists and white supremecists deserve to be heard, and its actually kinda prejudice to not let them do their thing And socialists, communists, or generally anyone anti-imperialist can shut the fuck up or get hit with a stick Not new, just explicit now |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:57:39 @Remittancegirl Once again showing that they have no clue what tyranny means! |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 16:57:53 @Remittancegirl pure totalitarianism! |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:10:41 So, send more baseball bats to college campuses. Got it. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:12:32 @Remittancegirl And what does illegal protests even mean? Does Doge define legal now, since it'll be the one withholding funding? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:14:21 @Remittancegirl in any story ever written, have the people using language like "agitators" been the good guys? |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:17:57 |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:32:21 @Remittancegirl Sadly the 1st Amendment regulates Congress, because the Founders assumed that a President would «faithfully execute» his duties, and not act like a king. |
Föderation DE Di 04.03.2025 17:32:33 @Remittancegirl there will be a JD to tell you, why it’s not. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:33:40 @Remittancegirl Fuck authority ..!.. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:38:11 @Remittancegirl This is proof that Musk or someone else is whispering thoughts into Trump's ears. Let's be honest, he would never have the mental capacity to write anything remotely as coherent as this post. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:43:44 @Remittancegirl mundtot gemacht mit einem süffisanten Hinweis, man müsse ja nicht protestieren. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:54:36 @Remittancegirl yep, looks like freedom in US turns like freedom in Russia |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:55:13 @Remittancegirl |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:55:55 @Remittancegirl Oh, he is so polite, "Thank you for your attention to this matter". I think I will end all my emails and toots like that hereafter. Thank you for your attention to this matter. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 17:57:51 @Remittancegirl Reminds me of the lead-up to Ukrainian protests of 2013-2014. Yanukovich made a mistake of beating up student protesters, the rest is history. |
Föderation EO Di 04.03.2025 18:00:45 @Remittancegirl #Esperanto: Jen ... Ĉi tio estas ĝuste limigo de libera parolo. Kiam la registaro minacas enkarcerigi vin pro diri ion, kion ĝi ne ŝatas. Tio estas perfekta ekzemplo de la limigo de libera parolo. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 18:07:59 Time for impeachment… |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 18:09:54 @Remittancegirl Free speech is only good when it benefits your side, or so it seems. 🤔 |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 18:15:32 @Remittancegirl Has anybody asked what brought about this poop-tweet of Trump's? Because he'll certainly provoke protests if he announces that he plans to cut federal financial aid to middle class and working class students. |