
Strange Culprits

· Föderation EN Fr 20.09.2024 18:01:43

@OmegaMastadon @arrrg @breadandcircuses Actually, the better alternative is to have access to locally grown pears

Same can be said for most staple consumer goods

Global scale capitalism = same old oligopoly


Föderation EN Fr 20.09.2024 18:17:20

You might be surprised to learn there are seasons where growing pears becomes difficult and that there are regions where growing pears is not possible
@OmegaMastadon @arrrg @breadandcircuses

Strange Culprits

Föderation EN Fr 20.09.2024 18:20:56

@bhcompy @OmegaMastadon @arrrg @breadandcircuses Iceland called, they decided to be clever and grow things like bananas... In. Iceland.

John de Largentaye

Föderation EN Fr 20.09.2024 18:28:43

@StrangeCulprits @bhcompy @OmegaMastadon @arrrg @breadandcircuses Iceland has so much geothermal energy that heated greenhouses are easy and cheap.

Strange Culprits

Föderation EN Fr 20.09.2024 18:34:20

@jlargentaye Most places on Earth have geothermal access sufficient for local agricultural needs, which is cheap compared to the transnational shipping industrial complex