
· Föderation EN Di 20.02.2024 12:38:49

@iriepixel Welcome back. :)

Föderation EN Di 20.02.2024 12:40:50

@SunDancer thank you! It takes some time to get my head around after twitter/X, but I like it!

Föderation EN Di 20.02.2024 12:45:53

@iriepixel Just give it time. Your bubble of peers will grow. But it's natural growth so a lot slower than on facepage or twatt0r ;)

Föderation EN Di 20.02.2024 12:47:49

@SunDancer haha :-) actually, I'm quite impressed that any people at all have replied to my post

Föderation EN Di 20.02.2024 12:57:00

@iriepixel Welcome!

You can also check out fedi.directory/ and follow @FediTips to get you started


Föderation EN Di 20.02.2024 13:34:09

@gunchleoc @iriepixel

Hey iriepixel, welcome back 👋

There are lots of methods for finding people to follow on here at fedi.tips/how-do-i-find-accoun

Föderation EN Di 20.02.2024 13:37:45

@FediTips very useful, thank you!