
Alx 🐈

Föderation EN So 02.02.2025 10:39:04

Hello I have two questions:
1. Is it possible to remove your mention from a β€œprivate”
2. I received a private mention from an account of an opera singer that seems legit, but the message looks like scam. I would probably end up blocking it, but I wonder is accounts can be hacked, then how do you report this?


Föderation EN So 02.02.2025 18:00:12

@solawi @alx

If you want to report a post or account, do it BEFORE you do the block as it's a lot easier. After you've sent the report, the reporting wizard will ask you if you want to block them so you don't forget to do so.

If it's an individual scammer I would just report it and block it.

If you are getting lots of these from different accounts, then you might want to switch on "Ignore DMs from people you don't follow". Go to πŸ”” Notifications > βš™οΈ (in corner) > Unsolicited Private Mentions

Alx 🐈

Föderation EN So 02.02.2025 18:08:14

@FediTips @solawi Thank you. The particular case seems to come from a legit account, though I don't follow them and they don't follow me, and it was this post with tons of mentions that really looked like spam. I reported the post with the mention and for now muted. If it repeats, I'll report and block.
As usual thank you for the tip about 'Unsolicited Private Mentions', I'll have a look at it!

Quinze Plush

Föderation EN So 02.02.2025 12:55:04


1/ not that I know of
2/ I don't think there are known vulnerabilities that allow to forge a note's author (as long as neither your instance or the other person's instance is compromised), so the most probable scenario is that the account's password has been leaked / compromised.

I'd report the post as "possible account hijacking?" and make sure to forward the report to the origin instance. If the admin finds a pattern, they could suspend the account and contact the user via email.

Alx 🐈

Föderation EN So 02.02.2025 13:14:12

@quinze I just reported the 'private mention' explaining that it is a weird one