
Aral Balkan

Aral Balkan (@aral@mastodon.ar.al)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:05:54

No we fucking are not.

Screenshot of article in today’s The Spectator by Kate Andrews titled “Today, we are all MAGA”

(Medien: 1)

The Skeptic's Book of Lists

The Skeptic's Book of Lists (@skepticsbookoflists@c.im)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:07:53

@aral The left: We don't think anyone needs an AR-15.
The right: Turns out would be Trump assassins do.

Dr Dan Marshall

Dr Dan Marshall (@DrDanMarshall@mastodon.cloud)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 19:14:48

@skepticsbookoflists @aral I was thinking that if the shooter had a .30-06, he might not have missed. I suspect .223 might have problems with tumbling, I know it has problems with over-penetration.

Tara Price

Tara Price (@taraprice@zirk.us)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:08:14

@aral What the actual fuck?? The hell we are, Kate.

Fifi Lamoura

Fifi Lamoura (@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:19:59

@taraprice @aral She's maga. "Prior to her new role at the Spectator, Kate was the Associate Director for the free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, overseeing the IEA's digital platforms. She has also worked as Head of Communications at the Adam Smith Institute and was an intern at Townhall.com and worked on the Romney for President and Linda McMahon for Senate campaigns in 2012."

Tara Price

Tara Price (@taraprice@zirk.us)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:45:13

@fifilamoura Ah. Thank you for sharing. Makes more sense that she's a cult member.


inpc (@inpc@musician.social)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 07:40:42

@fifilamoura @taraprice @aral I like how she was always on Question Time.

I’d always have the question Why is she on here again?

It made the time extra questiony.


LN (@ln0@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:09:22

@aral what the fuck is that article.

Harbinger of Salem

Harbinger of Salem (@HarbingerOfSalem@kolektiva.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 19:10:15

@ln0 @aral

Capitulation yearning to come out of its shorts


Ölbaum (@oscherler@tooting.ch)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 13:16:37

@ln0 @aral What the fuck is that rag?

June Casagrande

June Casagrande (@junecasagrande@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:10:09


What would Trump have done if he were still in the White House and someone shot Biden? Would he have done what Biden did, denounce violence, wish his opponent well?

Fuck no. He's MAGA. We're not.

Harald Eilertsen

Harald Eilertsen (@harald@hub.volse.no)

Föderation · So 14.07.2024 18:10:49

@Aral Balkan Hell... I can't even begin to grasp what's going on in a mind coming up with such a headline. But I'm afraid, if the US seemed like a lost cause before this, we're definitely going to see it go bad now. :(


Professor_Stevens (@Professor_Stevens@mastodon.gamedev.place)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:12:07


Not here in America, either.

No one should be trying to murder anyone. Senator Vance, of course, is already saying Joe Biden is to blame. Guess Vance doesn't think we're all MAGA either.

Fortunately, I do not believe The Spectator is seen by very many as the voice of the people.

McWabbit 🍋

McWabbit 🍋 (@McWabbit@tenforward.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:12:46


Visiting news sites as to reading my papers daily is not that I do anymore. But just by looking into the Mastodon feed, I can see the media failed us yet again:



@pineywoozle (@Pineywoozle@masto.ai)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 21:51:26

@McWabbit @aral Yeah sorry to disappoint the “The hell we do!”

JeffreySmith 🌻🍉

JeffreySmith 🌻🍉 (@JeffreySmith@mastdn.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:15:51


Kate can be a Rapist fraudster party member if she wants; I think I'll pass.


HarriettMB. (@harriettmb@mastodon.ie)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:16:31

@aral Absolutely never, not with the last whisper of air left in me. There’s hasn’t been a word about the unfortunate individual sitting in the crowd behind Trump who was actually murdered by the gunman. At this stage does anyone even know for 100% certain it was Trump the gunman was aiming for? And what about the two people who were shot by Trump’s security detail? They did nothing wrong either, except be Trump supporters.


Tobias (@catdad@ohai.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:17:32

@aral Madly Against Gormless Assholes?


Then no, we are fucking NOT maga!


Professor_Stevens (@Professor_Stevens@mastodon.gamedev.place)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:20:02


Damn. I took a deep breath and was able to read the entire dumb thing without vomiting. As usual, the far-right's attempt to frame a debate so they can't lose fails for lack of what thinking minds call "logic."

Everything she says could just as well lead to, "Today, we're all Moms Demanding Action."


Cosvak (@cosvak@mastodon.world)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:25:09

@aral lol what a gross fucking headline.

Headline should been, if only it was 2 inches more to the right. ;p


Tariq (@rzeta0@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 18:35:03


Kate Andrews.

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long long time*.

( * since I stopped watching the BBC and exited Twitter )

55 Tufton St.

Me sticking a middle finger at the right wing dark money funded "think-tanks"

(Medien: 1)


bitzero (@bitzero@corteximplant.net)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 19:10:38

@aral Well the suspect shooter was a registered Republican so I guess it’s just their dirty laundry, move on there’s nothing to see here

Hot Dog Water

Hot Dog Water (@GGMcBG@mstdn.plus)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 19:17:27


Fuck goddamn motherfucking nazi asshole Kate Andrews in her one good eye, whoever she's been told she is.

Kate can be an entire box of ashy fly-dotted dog shit sitting on a hill for a month in Santa Cruz if she wants, but if she believes she can incorporate me into her conquest fantasies, she is very wrong.

Liz Ellis (She/Her) #BDSNow

Liz Ellis (She/Her) #BDSNow (@LizEllis@mastodon.scot)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 19:42:08

@aral it’s the fucking spectator, like the Daily Heil but for intellectuals*

*I’m using that term very lightly.


Annie (@theappletree@ruhr.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 19:46:11

@aral Definitely not. Never.

F4GRX Sébastien

F4GRX Sébastien (@f4grx@chaos.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 20:05:08

@aral was this shooting part of a political operation?

F4GRX Sébastien

F4GRX Sébastien (@f4grx@chaos.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 20:09:09

@aral sounds like these fucking christians that brag to pray for atheists. No thanks.

Stoneface Vimes

Stoneface Vimes (@capnthommo@c.im)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 20:11:44

@aral yes. No way I'm ever going to be maga. Not even if they rack him until he's eleven feet tall.

canleaf08 ⌘  ✅

canleaf08 ⌘ ✅ (@canleaf@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 20:20:32

@aral I am certainly not and will never be.

🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣

🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣ (@devnull@mamot.fr)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 20:29:20

@aral MAGA is the anagram for All Gunslingers Are Morons

Angua :neodog_flag_disabled:

Angua :neodog_flag_disabled: (@AnguaDelphine@mk.absturztau.be)

Föderation · So 14.07.2024 20:42:14


What do you expect from the MAGAt Ambassador to the UK's MSM?
I assume she's hoping for Ambassador to the Court Of St James under a MAGAt Dictatorship.

Joanna Czechowska

Joanna Czechowska (@JoCzechowska@mas.to)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 20:51:02

@aral The Spectator is a disgusting magazine.


RodneyPetersonTalentAgency (@RodneyPetersonTalent@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 21:04:23


Not a chance in hell. It’s already a certified shithole country with the damage they’ve done.

Alexander Karn

Alexander Karn (@xankarn@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 21:11:14


No. Fuck no.

Today we are more keenly aware than ever what effect the noxious MAGA rhetoric of the last 8-9 years has had.

Nobody has done more than Trump to push politics to the brink of mass violence. This is the second time he has brought bloodshed and death to the political arena.

Some will say “too soon,” but there is a reap what you sow aspect to yesterday’s rally shooting.

I take ZERO pleasure or satisfaction in observing this, but the truth of it is undeniable, imo.


Mike (@vtmike@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 21:15:25

Uhhh.... HELL NO!!! NEVER!

Neil Scott

Neil Scott (@Sc0tty@ohai.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 21:18:56


Amen to that


@pineywoozle (@Pineywoozle@masto.ai)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 21:48:18

@aral It would cost $3 bucks to leave a comment & I won’t give a rag that would publish this trash a single nickel. NO Kate Andrews we will NOT “tone down our calls to expose tRump as an existential threat to America” nor will we ignore yours & others thinly veiled attempts to put this attack at the feet of Dems. This attack was precipitated by tRump’s behavior alone. We’re appalled at the use of political violence, but we won’t allow anyone to use this to silence us. FUCK

A page from the Spectator featuring an article by Kate Andrews entitled Today, we’re all MAGA with an image underneath it showing tRump surrounded by secret service, his fist raised and a flag in the background.

Page 1 of the article —  There is going to be a lot of pressure now for Democrats to tone down their rhetoric about Trump as a dictator’ and ‘despot’: the kind of words people use around the world to justify political uprisings. Critical questions put to the Democrats about what kinds of outcomes they expected when they referred to the former president as an ‘existential threat’ to the United States. Meanwhile, Republicans might stop referring to the current President as a ‘criminal’ Election results could be respected. Attempts to imprison political opponents could be wound down. As I wrote for this magazine in the spring, America, once a free and fair nation, is quickly acquiring the habit of prosecuting political opponents. A Trump win in November has never seemed more likely. Voter frustration with the economy - and Biden’s debate implosion — already had the former president on a fairly straightforward path to victory. But this moment — symbolised by a bleeding Trump, standing with his fist in the air - is going to have more of an impact on voters than any debate or attack line ever could. The nation must grapple with this possibility now, and prepare for how it will handle any outcome with civility. Or we can keep going as we have been - but we can no longer feign ignorance to how deadly the consequences are.

WRITTEN BY = =) Kate Andrews o Kate Andrews is economics editor of The Spectator *

Page 2
- There is only one appropriate response to such horrors. Today, we are all MAGA. Or at least, most of us are. American politics has sunk so low into the cesspit of political despair, there will be a rare few who can’t bring themselves to say this. Rather than muster up the humour of Reagan, or the humanity of the doctors, they won't hesitate to keep pouring petrol onto a nation already ablaze. Those takes won't be received very well. If there is anything left tying America’s national fabric together, it’s that such instances of violence can’t be tolerated. Trump’s biggest fans and biggest critics should not hesitate to come together on this issue. Some are already leading by example. Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney - a renowned Never-Trumper — writes on social media that he is ‘relieved the former president is safe and doing well’ Bernie Sanders wishes Trump ‘a speedy recovery’ They know full well tomorrow’s debates will still play out. Today, there is a moment for national unity. And, perhaps, a moment for change. Americans have become increasingly fearful of political violence - the kind that has played out across the country, from the streets of Manhattan to Portland, over the past few years. Of course Republicans and Democrats aren’t going to start playing nice. But when small shops were boarding up their windows during the midterm elections in 2022, that might have been an indication that political discourse had gone a bit too far.

Page 3 
When Ronald Reagan was shot on 30 March 1981, his wound was not immediately noticed. It wasn’t until he started bleeding from the mouth that the car was diverted from the White House to the hospital. The story goes that upon arrival, the president said to the surgeons, ‘I just hope youre Republicans. A doctor is said to have replied: “Today, Mr. President, we're all Republicans’ Let’s hope this anecdote is never debunked. It’s too good a story: about Americans who did not hesitate to put their country before the politics that so often plagues it. The ) attack on Reagan was the last (known) assassination Americans have attempt on a president — until a few hours ago. The shots become inCTeaSi‘ngly fired at President Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania left him fe anul Of p olitical bleeding from the head. Two people have died. We don't violence know the full details of the shooting yet, but from what can be seen on the video footage, it’s clear that the former president is very lucky to be alive. There is only one appropriate response to such horrors. Today, we are all MAGA. Or at least, most of us are. American politics has sunk so low into the cesspit of political despair, there will be a rare few who can’t bring themselves to say this. Rather than muster up the humour of Reagan, or the humanity of the doctors, they won't hesitate to keep pouring petrol onto a nation already ablaze.

(Medien: 4)

Critty Cat

Critty Cat (@CrittyCat@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 22:07:17

@aral id rather die.


LarsNygard (@Lach@social.linux.pizza)

Föderation NO So 14.07.2024 22:23:59

@aral but no matter what, that is a fantastic photo of an aspiring dictator.


KrazyKat (@KikoKate@mstdn.party)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 22:41:20

@aral Definitely not.

JimmyB (he/him)

JimmyB (he/him) (@JimmyB@mas.to)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 23:01:11

@aral after the big massacres popular identification with the targeted group has been a great way to show solidarity.

That the think that supporting here tho is a winning strategy is extraordinary


AE4WX (@AE4WX@mas.to)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 23:05:28

@aral Hell no we're not.


Juice (@Juice8767@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 23:06:57

@aral Ewe 😆


Bredroll (@Bredroll@mas.to)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 23:12:01

@aral ugh, I knew that trash piece was by Andrews just by the moronic headline.

climate voter/eco leftist

climate voter/eco leftist (@tmstreet@urbanists.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 23:32:04

@aral No. We will not bow down to the fascist fist. Before the blood had even dried, Trump saw this as an opportunity for a photo op. A grifter to his last dying breath.

climate voter/eco leftist

climate voter/eco leftist (@tmstreet@urbanists.social)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 23:33:34

@aral In that case, why weren't we all school children in all those mass murders. And why are we all not Palestinians, members of Black Lives Matter. Would we all be Democrats if they shot Biden?

Lstn2urmama  🇨🇦

Lstn2urmama 🇨🇦 (@Lstn2urmama@mstdn.ca)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 23:36:17



tres tristes tigres

tres tristes tigres (@thygrrr@tiggi.es)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 23:41:27

Headlines like this make me believe this was all staged.

tres tristes tigres

tres tristes tigres (@thygrrr@tiggi.es)

Föderation EN So 14.07.2024 23:41:53

@aral "Make American Guns Accurate"

Brian Knutson

Brian Knutson (@knutson_brain@sfba.social)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 00:07:18

The correct lesson to learn from this is the opposite: we should turn away from MAGA terrorism (and reenact ).


onecaliberal (@Tbsa@newsie.social)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 00:14:01

@aral Yeah, never supporting a child rapist.


Enoch (@enoch@universeodon.com)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 00:42:52

@aral never 😂💯 not today, not ever.


Hudson (@Hudson@todon.eu)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 01:12:42

@aral no fucking way


Seiðr (@Illuminatus@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 01:18:12

@aral Kate is an example of the scourge of brain anoxia.

Malcolm Westley

Malcolm Westley (@mwestley@toot.cafe)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 01:23:47


July 20, 1944—Kate Andrews: Today we’re all Nazis

Michael Cantin

Michael Cantin (@Michael_J_Cantin@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 01:43:46

@aral Fuck MAGA. Fuck them today, yesterday, next Tuesday, every other Thursday and twice on Sundays. And every day in between, before and after. Recent events change nothing. NOTHING.

Hope Doty

Hope Doty (@hopedoty@toot.bldrweb.org)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 02:48:29

@aral Not. For. Even. One. Fucking. Minute. HARD NOPE.