
Axel Hartmann

· Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:15:50

@georgetakei - George - that comment hits hard.
As it should.

What is the title of the book that I read about the internment camps when I was in middle school in California in the mid-eighties - just like "1984" and "Farenheit 451" - I think it's time to read it again.

Amy - the word weird is somehow lacking the threatening quality of what's happening.

Zack Weinberg

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:43:20

@axel_hartmann @georgetakei You might be thinking of A Farewell to Manzanar?

Forty years ago that was assigned reading in Los Angeles public schools. I would like to think it still is.


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 23:51:05

@axel_hartmann @georgetakei Another a bit too on the nose reread (I just finished) is Alas Babylon by Pat Frank. Great gift for any older teens in the family!


Captain Button

Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 05:29:29

@axel_hartmann @georgetakei

In the 1970s sometime I did a book report on "America's Concentration Camps" by Allan R. Bosworth (published 1967).