Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:00:06 America hasn’t felt this upside down since I was a child in an internment camp. (Medien: 1) |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:01:53 @georgetakei That's quite a sentence to write. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:02:31 @georgetakei George, you had better survive this inversion to tell the story of this one too and compare it from the position of hindsight. Live long and prosper. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:07:39 @georgetakei God, George, that guts me. I am deeply grateful for your existence and your presence on social media. It’s an honor to fight the good fight with you. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:08:27 @georgetakei For those who are saying American has always been bad, read what George has to say here, he's experienced one of the worst abuses in American history and yet he says this. |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 07:31:15 Yeah. He experienced one of the worst things that has happened here. One of many, many, many bad things. Some may experience a lull or temporary prosperity in between the bad things, but it's not like the eugenics, ecocide, racism, or even slavery ever actually stopped. Anybody who thinks America can be made "normal again" are just as foolish as those who think it can be made "great again". Normal was unsustainable and unsurvivable, and normal is what got us into this mess. It's a fantasy that was never real. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:09:12 @georgetakei wow. That's... wow. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:15:50 @georgetakei - George - that comment hits hard. What is the title of the book that I read about the internment camps when I was in middle school in California in the mid-eighties - just like "1984" and "Farenheit 451" - I think it's time to read it again. Amy - the word weird is somehow lacking the threatening quality of what's happening. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:43:20 @axel_hartmann @georgetakei You might be thinking of A Farewell to Manzanar? Forty years ago that was assigned reading in Los Angeles public schools. I would like to think it still is. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 23:51:05 @axel_hartmann @georgetakei Another a bit too on the nose reread (I just finished) is Alas Babylon by Pat Frank. Great gift for any older teens in the family! |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 05:29:29 In the 1970s sometime I did a book report on "America's Concentration Camps" by Allan R. Bosworth (published 1967). |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:24:43 @georgetakei thank you for your presence on social media, we're indeed greatful |
Föderation FR So 16.03.2025 21:25:56 When she said weird , she means fucking racist . https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/16/defense-department-black-medal-of-honor-veteran |
Föderation FR So 16.03.2025 23:29:38 @Paul_stilgar @georgetakei I fully agree the sheer amount of out right bigotry I been seeing from this administration is astonishing. |
Föderation SV Mo 17.03.2025 08:06:56 @Paul_stilgar @georgetakei not only. It's all kind's of hate and fear. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:38:47 @georgetakei What a powerful sentence George - so much history packed into it. Thank you. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:40:51 @georgetakei ❤️🖖🏽 |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:50:51 @c0debabe It is particularly cool at this moment that the blessing Nimoy adopted the Vulcan salute from is about kindness and community. @georgetakei |
Föderation SV So 16.03.2025 21:42:02 @georgetakei dear America. You've always looked weird from the outside. I do hope you're gonna stop soon. |
Föderation SV Mo 17.03.2025 05:27:11 @TheBestLeiya @georgetakei just to confirm this is also true from the English-speaking bits of Europe too. Both the criticism and the hope. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 22:09:19 @georgetakei "weird'??!? How about treacherous, horrifying, apocalyptic, treasonous, disastrous..... |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 22:19:48 @georgetakei That the offices of for profit prison companies haven't been firebombed is a little surprising. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 22:26:11 |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 22:33:28 @georgetakei thank you for this reminder George. On this day in 1922, a prominent white supremacist, anti-“asiactic” politician from my hometown got up in Canada’s parliament for the first time and declared that he wanted Mackenzie King’s government to get moving on making a “white British Columbia”. He was also, predictably, a huge proponent for Internment, and subsequent deportation even of prisoners born in Canada to Japanese parents. He was also an “Indian Agent”, an agent of the Canadian Government overseeing Residential schools. I mark this day every year because we still “honour” this person with a street name. One day, hopefully we won’t… perhaps it will be the same day we stop repeating these mistakes. My post and video about today is here: https://mstdn.chrisalemany.ca/@chris/114173165697918235 Take care, from Canada 🇨🇦 |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 22:34:27 @georgetakei America is like that friend that always had a sort of odd sense of humor that was a bit inappropriate and a bunch of really odd fetishes they kept mostly under wraps until they started developing dementia as they aged and all that stuff just boiled to the surface and took over and now holy shit what a train wreck lacking any sense of decorum, humanity, or reason. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 23:01:42 @crazyeddie @georgetakei I think it's less comparable to age-related dementia, and a closer match to the likes of an exuberant child—more or less a good kid who tended to make messes and shit the bed—hitting their teen years and suddenly turning into a surly, short-tempered beast who quits even pretending to have any manners and goes around starting fires, kicking down their former friends' sandcastles, vandalising public and private property, shoplifting and stealing purses in broad daylight, torturing animals, and spitting "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME, I GET TO DO WHATEVER I WANT!". |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 22:35:40 Sorry, George. I can't imagine the emotions this hard right turn to Fascism brings up. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 22:37:27 @georgetakei there’s a strong John Gill and Melakon vibe |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 22:43:54 @georgetakei America has always been weird, we have just been blind to how fanatical and strange American capitalism is. |
Föderation DE So 16.03.2025 22:54:23 @georgetakei I am so deeply sorry and I hope for you and the entire world that this nightmare will end before everything blows up. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 23:06:35 To Mr Takei and Amy Nixon, Trust me, we KNOW it's weird. Even those of us outside the USA know it's weird |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 23:22:43 @georgetakei YIKES! |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 23:28:09 @georgetakei The same feeling is happening in the UK, with the new government's plans coming into place. |
Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 23:41:30 @georgetakei Had you been a Vietnamese kid in Vietnam in the 1970's, or an Iraqi kid in Iraq in the 1990's, or a Yemeni kid in the Obama administration, America might have looked "weird" longer. Also applies to a immigrant child since the Obama administration onward. |
Föderation · Mo 17.03.2025 00:55:46 @argumento @georgetakei Or a Native American since the 15th century |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 00:00:09 @georgetakei It's not just the US that's gotten weird, but it's definitely going off the deep end at record speed. There were concentration camps in Canada during the war, but they were taught to us as being a stain on our history. The thought of that happening again on this continent, and for more of a bullshit reason this time is chilling |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 05:10:47 @DyingWorld @georgetakei A big difference, however, is that the other countries going weird either don't have one of two of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world and/or a history of dropping nuclear bombs on civilian targets. |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 00:50:44 @georgetakei I dunno. I've been expecting this for a long time. I've watched the hints and signs coming for many many years now. Having a near perfect memory kinda notices these things. It started slow but increased on an exponential curve. |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 01:15:18 @georgetakei If Canada grants citizenship to all Mexicans, will Trump still want to annex them? |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 02:16:04 @georgetakei true ☝️ |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 02:52:11 @georgetakei@universeodon.com |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 03:02:40 @georgetakei When I was a teenager, we had a plan for when the Soviets launched the inevitable nuclear attack. We lived across the bay from an ANG base, so the plan was to throw some beers in a cooler, take the boat out into the bay, and watch the fireworks. That was all we could do. It was a dark thing to grow up under the constant threat of nuclear war, but that was the reality. Now? Our President is literally siding with the Kremlin. |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 03:21:49 @georgetakei that's so messed up, but it's also insane. |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 04:09:45 @georgetakei you are always my example for people that think we are above it. a living example of what was done here. |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 04:52:52 @georgetakei This nation has been upside-down for my people ever since the USA invaded Mexico, stole half it's land mass, massacred and deported us, and now call us "immigrants." |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 07:09:51 @georgetakei Yeah, 'weird' isn't the word she's looking for. |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 07:14:48 @georgetakei Thursday, March 30th, 7:00 - 8:30pm eastern time 🖖 https://cooper.edu/events-and-exhibitions/events/rebuilding-american-dream-path-forward |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 07:58:07 @georgetakei It may well get worse yet. The political situation is so dysfunctional that there are no longer any effective checks - it's become a near-dictatorship, as the president just decrees everything by executive order. The courts are ignored, and Congress is powerless. And the president loves a bit of demonstrative cruelty. He always ran on a platform of "I hate the same people you do, and will make sure they suffer." |
Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 08:39:55 @georgetakei I haven't lived there for 16 years now and it's been beyond strange for a while for me. |