
Chris Young

Chris Young (@confusedbunny@oldbytes.space)

Föderation · Sa 08.07.2023 11:57:12

@darth @lashman It's a client function - doesn't do it. I don't think the web interface does either.


lashman (@lashman@mastodon.social)

Föderation · Sa 08.07.2023 11:57:31

@confusedbunny @darth unfortunately it does :(

Chris Young

Chris Young (@confusedbunny@oldbytes.space)

Föderation · Sa 08.07.2023 12:19:14

@lashman @darth Hmm, maybe the clients have just copied the web behaviour.


lashman (@lashman@mastodon.social)

Föderation · Sa 08.07.2023 12:19:33

@confusedbunny @darth most likely, yeah

Nordnick 🐘

Nordnick 🐘 (@nick)

Tusky DE Sa 08.07.2023 13:45:57

@lashman@mastodon.social @darth@silversword.online @confusedbunny@oldbytes.space

Assuming, they list all mentioned people in the reply draft as default... then this would be reasonable for me, especially in a thread, that is limited to mentioned people only.