
Doctor Popular


Do 30.03.2017

Beiträge: 5.379Folgt: 685Folgende: 2.780

"Jack-of-all-trades musician, artist, dramatic yo-yoist, and video game designer-wizard" - From the San Francisco Bay Guardian's "Best Of The Bay" issue.
San Francisco, CA

Personal Blog


Youtube (mostly long yo-yo videos)


My Yo-Yo Store




Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 09.09.2024 19:49:48

Connecting your site to the is incredibly easy!

In today's Fediverse Files video, we teach you how to turn your website's content into a first-class citizen of the fediverse, where it's easy for fans to follow and interact with. It's a short and simple process!


Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 19.08.2024 23:59:16

The Fediverse is often referred to as a decentralized "social network", but I think that misses some of the bigger ways that ActivityPub can make the web more open and user friendly.

Today I talked to @pfefferle about his ActivityPub For WordPress plugin and the advantages of connecting your site to the youtube.com/watch?v=3DhK8uSKId

Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 17.08.2024 00:54:37

Some chill yo-yo vibes for the weekend.

I'm using a First Base by Recess.

Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 05.08.2024 17:56:45

Our second episode of The Fediverse Files is out now. It's an interview with @evan, the co-author of , about the future of the . Tune in to learn how open protocols like ActivityPub make the web more open and user-centric. youtu.be/nLqwKph7Sxk?si=tT6ix1

Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 31.07.2024 21:00:41

The sun is coming out. It’s a beautiful day. I’m at Haus Cafe, working on next week’s interview with @evan

A laptop with video on screen of two men talking to each other. One is Doc, the other is Evan. 
There is a cappuccino and a controller on the table too.

(Medien: 1)

Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 15.07.2024 18:26:13

In case you missed it, Sticker Mule is sending out "Trump 2024" emails and tweets.

If you are looking for sticker alternatives, I highly recommend:
Sticker Ninja linktr.ee/stickerninja

Sticker Giant and The Sticky Brand are great alternatives too.

An email from Sticker Mule that says "Trump 2024"

An email that says 

"Hi Doc,

Donald Trump was shot.

I don’t care what your political views are but the hate for Trump and his supporters has gone too far.

People are terrified to admit they support Trump. I’ve been scared myself.

Americans shouldn’t live in fear.

I support Trump. Many at Sticker Mule do.

Many at Sticker Mule also support Biden.

The political hate needs to stop.

Hopefully this email helps."

Continued text from the email:

Hopefully this email helps.

Btw, this week, get 1 shirt for $4 (normally $19).

I suggest buying one that shows you support Trump.

The more people realize that millions of kind-hearted, compassionate people support Trump, the sooner the hate will end.

Awesome people, all over the world, love Trump. Don’t limit your friendships and diminish your happiness by indulging in political hate.

Vocalize your support. Stop the hate.

Anthony Constantino
Cofounder, Sticker Mule

P.S. Discuss this message on X.

(Medien: 3)

Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 02.06.2024 19:29:37

I made an ASCII version of my buddy @matthias, the creator of ActivityPub for WordPress.

Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Do 30.05.2024 18:46:50

Already a beautiful day in SF. I’m at Haus, about to start editing a huge video project I’ve been working on for the past three weeks. Then heading to the community farmers market in the Mission later today.

A matcha latte, some hard drives, a yo-yo, a red fedora, a blue kn95 face mask, and a laptop on a wooden table in the back patio of a cafe.

(Medien: 1)

Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 17.05.2024 01:03:23

I had a fun lunch with @andypiper today and spent a few hours nerding out about open protocols and the fediverse. He brought this 3D printed version of the Mastodon mascot.

A 3D printed version of the Mastodon mascot. The mascot is an elephant with cute little tusks and pink cheeks. The printout looks like a vinyl toy or plastic collectible. Also on the table are some Mastodon stickers and a smaller version of the plastic mascot with a keychain attached to it.

(Medien: 1)

Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 07.05.2024 03:27:53

OMG, @bsky.brid.gy works!

I saw a Bluesky post in my Mastodon feed, so I replied from Mastodon, and that reply showed up on Mastodon AND Bluesky!!!

The post is boring, so I'm not going to link it, but I will encourage my Mastodon friends to enable cross platform sharing by opting in here brid.gy/mastodon/start

Thanks @snarfed.org for building this tool. I have a few friends on Bsky that I miss following, hopefully I can get them to opt-in.