
Evan Prodromou

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 14:29:34

One of the terms we use when talking about the social web is "decentralisation".

I realised during the talks at that social networking is *already* decentralised; our data, our connections, and our attention are spread across a dozen social platforms.

We need RE-centralisation; I want my social networking experience to be centred on *me*. Starting with an account on a platform I choose, and radiating out to friends, family, neighbours and colleagues, communities, topics.

James Smith 💾

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 14:34:02

@evan interesting take! Perhaps "refocusing" it on ourselves, not on the platforms.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 14:35:32


Polycentrism rather than centralization: interesting concept, worth a deeper reasoning.

Julian Fietkau

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 14:44:55

@evan I had some similar thoughts in 2023 and expressed them in this blog post: fietkau.blog/2023/another_blog (section “A Shift in Complexity”)

The idea is that federation doesn't inherently make online interactions more complex, but it slices the innate complexity of many-to-many communication into differently shaped parts than centralized platforms do. Some of the perceived complexity is just unfamiliarity.

I don't know if my ideas on this are very mature, but I think I stand by the core thesis.

Richard Schneeman

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 14:45:07

@evan I think distributed versus decentralized might not be the best lens.

I think what people really care about is agency and the decentralization is a means to help accomplish that. I also want ownership (or partial ownership) but even then it’s really about agency.

Richard MacManus

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 14:51:46

@evan I think you should name this “me-centralisation” (kind of a pun on re-centralisation)

Evan Prodromou

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 17:45:26

@ricmac dammit Richard you beautiful genius, that's perfect

Ted Gould

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 15:50:26

@evan I think that's really interesting, but I think it's also important to realize that people show many different sets of faces to the world. They have different sets of friend groups, and often those don't overlap.

So while focusing on you is good, you also should have control of "which you" they're looking at and dealing with.

Maj - Michele Ann Jenkins 🇨🇦

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 17:21:57

@ted @evan Managing different "yous" is huge. I do not need my Tumblr me and LinkedIn me running into each other.

So centralized experience, distributed network, and fine-grain control.

Evan Prodromou

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 17:52:08

@maj @ted so, that's good, but only rarely do the different parts of our lives actually line up with platform boundaries. Communities and identities cross those borders all the time. You should have control based on your needs, not Tumblr's.

Ted Gould

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 20:29:17

@evan @maj there are no clean lines when humans are involved. Which is why connecting different platforms is more important than making one that is useful for everyone. And one platform will probably never be all most people use. It's a good thing.


Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 17:53:04

@evan This inspires me to take a perspective from Yvonne Agazarian. I think the correct word would be self-centeredness. And then, to not only take things personally (which is dysfunctional self-centeredness), we need a connection to our various memberships in communities (friends, neighbors, colleagues, topics). The life force comes from the body and is at the center (self), but development of that energy happens when we go out and take a membership in community with others.

Evan Prodromou

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 17:55:52

@malte an unconnected network is not a network!


Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 18:31:39

@evan Even self-centered networks can lack membership and community. All the communication that flows is oriented towards the person. The last couple of decades have seen a lot of perspectives on the narcissism of social networks, so there's an issue here I think it's important to get right.

Johannes Ernst

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 18:02:45

@evan I had a slide a million years ago (that Kaliya dug up recently, otherwise I would have forgotten) that contrasted 1) a big company/platform in the middle, with all its users around it connecting 1-N vs 2) me in the middle, with all the companies/platforms I interact with around it, connecting 1-N.

The original form of user centricity rather than company centricity.

Evan Prodromou

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 18:07:57

@j12t nice!

Anuj Ahooja

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 18:05:25


Evan Prodromou

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 18:07:34

@quillmatiq Louder for the people in the back!

Anuj Ahooja

Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 18:23:49

@evan 🗣️📢


Föderation EN Di 11.03.2025 23:04:29

I like the out-of-the-box provocation but...

> social networking is *already* decentralised; our data, our connections, and our attention are spread across a dozen social platforms

Decentralised is not the same as fragmented. But I can imagine DataFarmers using this as an attack line to defend platform monopolies against the 'verse.

> We need RE-centralisation; I want my social networking experience to be centred on *me*

Logical centralisation on a physical mesh. Intriguing.
