
Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 14:47:17

"Every ActivityPub server should accept, save, and forward all objects and activities with types in the Activity Vocabulary."

35% Strongly agree
31% Somewhat agree
21% Somewhat disagree
13% Strongly disagree

100 Stimmen, bis So 22.09.2024 14:47:17

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 14:47:41

If you don't understand this statement, skip the poll.

John Mark :blobcatverified: ☑️

John Mark :blobcatverified: ☑️ (@johnmark@freeradical.zone)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 18:44:38

@evan Having read the raging debate recently, I feel I can have an opinion here.


FinchHaven (@FinchHaven@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN So 22.09.2024 02:58:46


That's pretty condescending

One can understand the statement, and not support it

Which includes not supporting a poll that, tacitly, supports the current background behind the statement

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN So 22.09.2024 04:46:30

@FinchHaven I agree, one can understand the statement and not support it.

If someone doesn't understand the statement, that's OK. It's a very specific issue for a very small group of developers and architects working on the ActivityPub network. People shouldn't feel bad if they don't understand.

Also, I don't think you're correct in your assumptions about my biases.

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN So 22.09.2024 04:47:59

@FinchHaven I think most people on the Fediverse could understand the issue if it was explained clearly, but I think that would reveal more of my thoughts about the issue than would be fair for a poll. Also, I just finished writing a book about ActivityPub, so I want to take a weekend off from explaining the protocol!

Cody Bromley

Cody Bromley (@codybrom@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 17:48:29

@evan Slightly agree. It reminds me of email chains where formatting or images get lost as it passes through different servers, but unlike email, the poster's server retains the source vocab and can make it available to any server request. Ignoring unused vocab makes a ton of sense for the server admins paying those storage and bandwidth bills. Instead, retrieving unabridged vocab for forwarded activities from the source server adds an extra layer of abuse protection and data integrity.

infinite love â´³

infinite love ⴳ (@trwnh@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 19:16:34

@evan i wish there was a "stronglier agree" option

infinite love â´³

infinite love ⴳ (@trwnh@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 19:18:29

@evan by which i mean: i'd go even further and say that activitypub servers should store-and-forward anything that has as:to/cc/audience. and as:actor so you know it's an activity.

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 19:54:18

@trwnh I'm with you, although I think extensions should use multi-typing to indicate that it's an activity (`"type": ["myns:Foo", "Activity"]`)

infinite love â´³

infinite love ⴳ (@trwnh@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 20:18:35

@evan whatever the mechanism i do think isActivity() needs to be specified within mainline AP. i know we have a primer page but having it in-spec would be really useful too.

something similar for allowing Actor to be declared on objects with ldp:inbox and as:outbox could also be useful if we *really* wanna avoid duck-typing. although i am not as opposed to duck-typing as you are…

the definition of as:Actor would specifically be “my ldp:inbox dereferences to a Collection of Activity or subtype”


skryking (@skryking@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 20:55:19

@evan what about content that is blatantly illegal?

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 21:04:35

@skryking interesting question! I had not read the poll that way. I was thinking in particular of the many types of activities like `Listen` or `Travel` that aren't well supported by some servers.

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Sa 21.09.2024 21:05:35

@skryking I updated the poll to make it clearer.

Paul Schoe

Paul Schoe (@paulschoe@mastodon.world)

Föderation EN So 22.09.2024 02:49:18

If that is the case, how can instances differentiate?

I became a member of a particular instance BECAUSE they do not accept, save, and forward everything.

The policies of my instance form the guardrail that protects my mailbox.


Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN So 22.09.2024 04:49:01

@paulschoe So, you joined an instance because they don't allow the `Travel` activity?