
Fifi Lamoura

Fifi Lamoura (@fifilamoura@eldritch.cafe)

Föderation EN So 28.07.2024 14:38:24

@LactatingAlgore Nah, it's been common for people in the tech "Rational Manosphere" to try to claim that exploitative sociopathic behaviour is somehow a sign superiority and genius but also a disability that means their monsterously selfish actions should always be indulged and never be questioned and only seen as a sign of genius. There's a similar trope in the art world that associations being an exploitative asshole with genius (often while stealing other people's work, much like in the tech world). While there are certainly plenty of people on the autism spectrum working in tech, they're far less likely to be in the jobs that are all about being social and managing and manipulating people (but this is where sociopaths do well because they're innately extremely exploitative and this plays well in a system designed to benefit sociopaths, such as capitalism). This is also why the tech industry keeps trying to rationalize/altruism-wash their selfishness via ideologies like Libertarianism and Effective Altruism.

@Sh41 @aral