
Florian Berger (privat)

Föderation EN Do 22.08.2024 11:14:45

Is there a Mastodon client that allows for the convenient composition of threaded posts? ๐Ÿงต

You know, first post public, subsequent posts unlisted, each post answering the previous, posts may include media with alternative text.

Right now I arrange each post in the web editor form, then copy it somewhere else, including alternative texts for media, then empty the form, and prepare the next. When finished, I copy them back in order, rearrange the media attachment, submit, find the just submitted post, click "reply", and so forth until finished. This is a rather tedious process, so I wonder if there is anything that has the capability to ease it.

Florian Berger (privat)

Föderation EN Do 22.08.2024 11:16:46

A subquestion to the client @pachli specifically: Does it have a feature that I am not aware of, or plan for a feature, to make the composition of threaded posts โ˜๏ธ more comfortable?


Föderation EN Do 22.08.2024 14:45:33

@flberger Not yet. Two problems I need to solve.

1. Finding a comfortable UI for it.
2. Re-writing the infrastructure that sends posts. At the moment a post is sent immediately, and saved to drafts if that fails.

Threading makes that more complicated -- if a post in the middle of the thread fails to send you need to stop the follow up posts from sending, provide a UI to retry (because a dangling thread is going to look weird), and surface partial threads in drafts.

Florian Berger (privat)

Föderation EN Do 22.08.2024 19:50:01


I see. Ah, the complexity. ๐Ÿ˜…

What would immensely help, and should be far easier to implement, would be a convenient way to reply to a post one just published.

RIght now, I'm in the timeline, I have an idea, hit the pen icon, write, refine, publish โ€“ and I'm back in the timeline. To jump to the post, I currently click my profile icon to open my profile, scroll scroll, find my post, hit reply. That's tedious.

The standard Mastodon web UI has a small popup "show post" after posting, which takes me directly to the post. That would be immensely useful for Pachli also. For power users, two options "Go to post | Reply to post" would be amazing. In my understanding, since these would be basically shortcuts for functions already available, they should not require new internal infrastructure, set aside UI.