· Föderation EN Do 22.08.2024 11:16:46 A subquestion to the client @pachli specifically: Does it have a feature that I am not aware of, or plan for a feature, to make the composition of threaded posts ☝️ more comfortable? |
Föderation EN Do 22.08.2024 14:45:33 @flberger Not yet. Two problems I need to solve. 1. Finding a comfortable UI for it. Threading makes that more complicated -- if a post in the middle of the thread fails to send you need to stop the follow up posts from sending, provide a UI to retry (because a dangling thread is going to look weird), and surface partial threads in drafts. |
Föderation EN Do 22.08.2024 19:50:01 I see. Ah, the complexity. 😅 What would immensely help, and should be far easier to implement, would be a convenient way to reply to a post one just published. RIght now, I'm in the timeline, I have an idea, hit the pen icon, write, refine, publish – and I'm back in the timeline. To jump to the post, I currently click my profile icon to open my profile, scroll scroll, find my post, hit reply. That's tedious. The standard Mastodon web UI has a small popup "show post" after posting, which takes me directly to the post. That would be immensely useful for Pachli also. For power users, two options "Go to post | Reply to post" would be amazing. In my understanding, since these would be basically shortcuts for functions already available, they should not require new internal infrastructure, set aside UI. |