
Simon Repp

Simon Repp (@freebliss@post.lurk.org)

Föderation EN Do 29.08.2024 11:31:37

I just contemplated for a minute how awesome it is that @Codeberg exists. I was reformatting the link to codeberg on my (these days empty-ish) github profile and it felt like the most normal thing that most of my repositories now live on an independent, community-led platform ... but it's totally not!

Some people set out to make it happen and put in so much energy and personal time and resources, and they made it happen! And still every day there's a few incredibly dedicated core volunteers behind the scenes, keeping things running for us all, and hundreds of members providing funds and oversight, and devs building forgejo and so on ... what a marvel of the free software movement. Also love the political energy behind it and that people are mostly very clear on the mission: Tech is political. Code is political. And we better make damn sure we make it good politics!! (•̀ᴗ•́)و


ticho (@ticho@mas.to)

Föderation EN Do 29.08.2024 12:00:22

@freebliss @Codeberg Posts like this kind of make me feel guilty that I'm procrastinating so much on my hobby software projects, while Codeberg guys keep the service up for me to not commit into. 😳 :)


Codeberg.org (@Codeberg@social.anoxinon.de)

Föderation EN Do 29.08.2024 12:06:42

@ticho Don't worry, we are patiently waiting for your contribution, too. Don't put pressure on yourself. ~f