
Ivo Limmen

Ivo Limmen (@ivolimmen@toot.community)

Föderation EN Di 18.06.2024 08:54:01

I build a small application for generating nice files in a simple way using . It is my first project on @Codeberg. I hope to remove the serialization stuff in there and replace it with XML so that other languages can generate PDF's just as easy. codeberg.org/ivolimmen/docgen


Codeberg.org (@Codeberg@social.anoxinon.de)

Föderation EN Di 18.06.2024 23:03:04

@ivolimmen Can you show one of the account managers an example of a PDF file? I am intrigued. ^-^ ~n

Ivo Limmen

Ivo Limmen (@ivolimmen@toot.community)

Föderation EN Di 18.06.2024 23:11:28

@Codeberg you can make any document as long as you use Java. The api is very straightforward and simple but very powerful.

Ivo Limmen

Ivo Limmen (@ivolimmen@toot.community)

Föderation EN Di 18.06.2024 23:18:31

@Codeberg you create a document object and add paragraphs and headers, tables and other semantic objects. Adding a different font is still an issue but it is possible but I need to add some documentation on how to do that.