
Kim Scheinberg

Föderation EN Mi 20.11.2024 20:53:07

Since Calvin and Hobbes are popular right now, please know that the entire archive is available online, searchable, for free. This includes ALL the strips, including some that didn't make it into the various anthologies:


And if you are insistent on using alt text but are (like me) sometimes not motivated to type out the dialogue, there's even a 'transcript' button in the three-dot submenu. It's short on describing images, but it's thorough on the text.

Calvin and Hobbes cartoon, the premise of which is a little boy owns a stuffed tiger that is "alive" when no one else is around

This strip is from Dec 23, 1987 but the full image is a screenshot of the Go Comics site which includes various links for sharing the cartoon. In the lower right corner as part of a three-dot submenu is a button that says 'transcribe' which I put a red box around

The cartoon itself is four panels, Calvin and Hobbes are talking, no other action or images

Panel 1:
Calvin: Well, I've decided I do believe in Santa Claus, no matter how preposterous he sounds. 

Panel 2:
Hobbes: <inquisitive> What convinced you? 
Calvin: A simple risk analysis. 

Panel 3:
Calvin: I want presents, lots of presents. Why risk not getting them over a matter of belief? Heck, I'll believe anything they want. 

Panel 4::
Hobbes: How cynically enterprising of you. 
Calvin: <big grin> It's the spirit of Christmas.

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