
Martin Rundkvist

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 08:38:42

“In everyone’s pocket right now is a computer far more powerful than the one we flew on Voyager. I don’t mean your cell phone — I mean the key fob that unlocks your car.”

— Rich Terrile, JPL scientist and member of the Voyager imaging team

Janne Moren

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 09:25:28

This is a Macintosh (the original) emulator. It emulates the CPU, video hardware and floppy disk (partly) well enough that you run the original OS and applications on it.

And it runs on a Raspberry Pico ARM microcontroller meant to turn on lights, read sensors and control toys.



Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 13:15:21

@jannem @mrundkvist The microcontroller in the power brick of a MacBook is about as powerful as the original Macintosh


Janne Moren

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 13:19:31

@fl0und3r @mrundkvist
Same thing with the ARM controller sitting inside my keyboard. True, it does need to do both usb and Bluetooth; still, even the smallest, slowest Cortex m0 is really *way* overkill for the job.


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 14:03:30

@jannem @mrundkvist "brain the size of a planet, and here I am waiting *milliseconds* for the slow human to type a key, only to send it off to the computer doing actual work"


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 20:44:56

@fl0und3r @jannem @mrundkvist my colleagues used to apply for faster and faster computers and I used to reply that if they wanted faster computing they should go and learn to type first. The slowest interface was brain to keyboard. They were two finger typists with RSI

Martin Rundkvist

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 20:48:46


The only hardware upgrade I need for my old laptop is three replacement key caps: for the left hand CTRL and SHIFT keys and the letter "a".

John Ellenich

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 14:35:30

@fl0und3r @jannem @mrundkvist @marcpalmer curious what a more modern power brick is like. The one used as an example is quite old at this point.

Ted Mielczarek

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 15:52:54

@ellenich @fl0und3r @jannem @mrundkvist @marcpalmer interestingly, it predates both their USB-C chargers and the switch to GaN.


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 12:25:17

@mrundkvist it's not in my pocket. I'm a woman, it doesn't fit in my pockets. You'd be hard pressed to get a coin in my pockets.

Seph‽ 🌳 🐦 🐟 🔔

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 15:20:23

@Antiqueight @mrundkvist This right here is why I usually wear men’s jeans.


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 15:28:12

@melivia @mrundkvist i can't. They're the wrong shape entirely for me.

Rachel Greenham

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 12:51:06

@mrundkvist @christineburns the phone is probably more computer than NASA had in *total* at the time of launch.


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 13:03:09

@StrangeNoises @mrundkvist @christineburns It's probably more computer than existed in the world.


Föderation PT So 16.03.2025 13:46:15


1997: Every appliance in your house has a clock and it's blinking >>00:00<<

2025: Every appliance in your house has an IP address and the password is >admin

A Light Shining in Darkness

Föderation PT So 16.03.2025 18:13:57

@perikitapreta @mrundkvist

The blinking clocks are also still here.
Even on completly new appliances.


Föderation PT So 16.03.2025 19:15:47

@fzer0 @perikitapreta @mrundkvist And many of these appliances could easily get the current time (via NTP, radio clock, GPS,...) or do not really need a clock.

A Light Shining in Darkness

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 19:19:30

@Habrok42 @perikitapreta @mrundkvist

Ya, but BigAppliance doesn't want that.
BigAppliance wants us to waste our precious time with setting the time on appliences that do not need a clock in the first place.

And not so sound like a conspiracy theroist but who knows, maybe they are behind the yearly summer/winter time change too.

Martin Hoffmann

Föderation PT So 16.03.2025 20:39:45

@Habrok42 @fzer0 @perikitapreta @mrundkvist Counter point: You need some sort of Internet connection for NTP, GPS
doesn’t work indoors, those nifty DCF-77 clocks only work within roughly a thousand kilometres of Frankfurt, and the clock in the oven is the most used clock in many households.

A Light Shining in Darkness

Föderation PT So 16.03.2025 20:59:31

@partim @Habrok42 @perikitapreta @mrundkvist

I see and acknowledge your facts and offer you this solution

CR2032 battery

(Medien: 1)

Stumpy The Mutt

Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 00:47:31

@fzer0 @partim @Habrok42 @perikitapreta @mrundkvist the company I work for has resisted putting a RTC in our routers because the lithium battery requires its own set of disposal methods and needs to follow local regulations which are quite different around Europe, never mind world wide. Super caps wouldn't last long enough to be workable.


Föderation PT Mo 17.03.2025 00:23:17

@partim @fzer0 @perikitapreta @mrundkvist Valid points, but:
- more and more devices want WiFi for their app
- GNSS signals can get into buildings good enough for the time (only 1 satellite needed for "good enough" time, not 4 for the position)
- there are transmitters like DCF-77 in many countries worldwide (on other frequencies)
- digital radio like DAB+ can easily transport a time signal
- devices like my CO2 monitor or thermometers do not need an always visible clock


Föderation · So 16.03.2025 22:08:38

nah… I turn power for those things of via complicated logic, Zigbee, HomeAssistant and half a ton electrical crap

nothing blinking without battery anymore! (and if it's got a battery, it's not blinking)


Föderation PT So 16.03.2025 19:44:24

@perikitapreta @mrundkvist
Und dann gibt es backöfen die nur mit korrekt eingestellter uhrzeit funktionieren. ersatzteilshop.de/videos/hilfe

Ein Heizelement ist kaputt gegangen und hat dabei den fi ausgelöst. Als der strom wieder da war, schien es erst als das der ganze ofen hin ist, aber es war nur die fehlende uhr

Martin Schröder

Föderation PT Mo 17.03.2025 00:27:48

The address is still IPv4 with NAT.


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 14:00:05

@mrundkvist Yeah no. 15% of the world's humanity actually has the luxury of possessing a car.


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 15:00:49

@otyugh @mrundkvist I can see the quote being said in a talk where everyone was indeed part of those 15%, but you still raise an important point


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 23:25:16

@dngrs @otyugh @mrundkvist but where was the talk so that everyone came by car?


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 14:01:11

@mrundkvist hang on, is the computer on Voyager more powerful than the Apollo guidance computer? It certainly has more RAM. It would make sense, as it was launched later and had to be autonomous while the APC had a human operator.

I ask because the version of this I heard was "the (second) computer in your pocket is more powerful than the one that *landed on the moon*"

leah & tigers & bears, oh my!

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 14:18:21

@mrundkvist "everyone" - ummm...

(not only do i not have a car, i don't currently have a pocket)

CharLES ☭ H

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 17:18:02

@thamesynne @mrundkvist

"Powerful" is also doing a lot of work there.


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 16:09:39

@mrundkvist wasn't there a blogpost or something some years ago comparing the computing power of simple USB-chargers with the Apollo flight computer? 🤔 😂

Sapphire Star

Föderation · So 16.03.2025 17:15:26

@mrundkvist the e-marker chip in a usb-c cable is more powerful than early supercomputers

(Medien: 1)


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 17:16:11

@mrundkvist key fob? There's no key fob in my pocket. Well, I'm blind so that makes it even more silly but I'm talking about the idea that the key fob is dropped in favor of using the phone as a key with that nifty new feature that our truck doesn't support. *whimper*


Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 17:30:54

@mrundkvist The chip of a sim card is probably not far of either in terms of performance.

Angie 🇨🇦🇲🇽🇪🇺🇵🇸🇺🇦

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 18:30:15


That means ...

... my keyfob can play DOOM?

mau 🏳️‍🌈#EndFossilFuels

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 19:43:34

@mrundkvist Talk about diminishing returns.

Peter Bindels

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 20:06:25

@mrundkvist If you want a computer comparable to your cell phone, it's what in the movie Hackers was described as "Supercomputers, like you use to do physics or look for oil".

(source: Hackers is from sept 1995, most recent supercomputer list then was from top500.org/lists/top500/list/1 which lists the best one as doing ~200GFlop/s - which is about half of the current top mobile phone CPU. Alternatively take an Adreno 610 mobile gpu, which runs about 300GFLOP/s - which you'd get in an Oppo A53 from 5 years ago for about $200)

Martin Rundkvist

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 20:16:55

@dascandy Tech development has long since passed the stage of sufficient computing power for me to run my basic desktop applications under linux. It's been decades since I was interested in better performance in a laptop. It's like once engineers perfected cars that did 150 kmph, almost nobody was interested in faster ones anymore.

Andrew Elwell

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:33:52

@dascandy @mrundkvist I'd love to see a plot of the lag (years) between performance of supercomputer/HPC systems (say top and bottom of top500) and the performance of a mobile phone. Is it opening or shrinking?

Martin Rundkvist

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 21:37:04


The main reason that I buy new phones isn't that I need more power: it's that Samsung pushes new bloated Android versions to it that I don't want because they make the phone slow without offering any useful new features.

Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC

Föderation DE So 16.03.2025 20:10:20

@mrundkvist Not in my pocket, I haven't got a car. I hate cars and car culture, which is why I refuse to take driving lessons.

Jan v/d Broek

Föderation EN So 16.03.2025 20:54:03

@mrundkvist I hate to disappoint you, but I only have two[1] handkerchiefs and a Swiss armyknife in my pockets.

[1] As my father told me, one for yourself, and ond for your child.

tatiana ⏚ :witches_town:

Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 01:07:52

@mrundkvist this is a paraphrase from 'the farthest', a fascinating pbs documentary that i hadn't seen. thank you for providing the spark for me to seek it out!

… [A]t the time, the biggest computers in the world were comparable to the kinds of things we have in our pockets today. And I'm not talking about a cell phone — [produces item from pocket] I'm actually talking about a key fob.



Föderation EN Mo 17.03.2025 01:51:31


Any USB optical mouse since about the turn of the century has at least a 12 MHz processor because it needs that to talk the USB protocol, which makes it faster than any computer in the world in 1977, and it has a second processor that tracks the image the mouse is looking at and figures out which way it's moving, and it's doubtful any computer in the world in 1977 could have done that in real-time.