
Dennis Nunes

Dennis Nunes (@nunesdennis@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Di 07.05.2024 23:33:18

@docpop @pfefferle @bsky.brid.gy @snarfed.org This is bridgy's link, which is for blogs

You meant fed.brid.gy

Doctor Popular

Doctor Popular (@docpop@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 07.05.2024 23:57:00

@nunesdennis @pfefferle @bsky.brid.gy @snarfed.org oh shoot, did I include the wrong link? I'll fix that.
Now I'm confused about what I signed up for when I signed in to brid.gy/mastodon/start

I hope it doesn't start posting my website's posts here because I already have my site connected via ActivityPub for WP.

Dennis Nunes

Dennis Nunes (@nunesdennis@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 00:04:21

@docpop @pfefferle @bsky.brid.gy @snarfed.org For bridgyfed you just need to follow the bridge user on the fediverse to make your profile visible in bluesky, the same for bluesky, the user there needs to follow the bridgyfed user on bluesky.

If you add your mastodon account to bridgy and your blog domain, any blog post you shared on mastodon will be linked to your blog, so the responses appears on the blog post