


Do 28.06.2018

Beiträge: 483Folgt: 3Folgende: 13.368

OpenStreetMap is the free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you



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OpenStreetMap (@openstreetmap@en.osm.town)

Föderation EN Fr 09.08.2024 15:01:04

🎁 HAPPY BIRTHDAY OpenStreetMap! Today is OSM's 20th Brithday! 🎂 🎂

Here's SteveC's desktop at University College London, the original OSM "server" until 2006. You've come a long way in the last 20 years. 😍


photo of an old battered desktop computer. It looks grimey, has a floppy disk and CD drive, and a peeled off sticker on it

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OpenStreetMap (@openstreetmap@en.osm.town)

Föderation EN Fr 09.08.2024 06:11:04

"OpenStreetMap has grown exponentially or quadratically over the last twenty years depending on the metric you’re interested in...The story isn’t so much about the data and technology, and it never was. It’s the people. " -- Steve Coast, reflecting on 20 years of OpenStreetMap on the OSM blog


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OpenStreetMap (@openstreetmap@en.osm.town)

Föderation EN Sa 08.06.2024 10:00:03

The main way to store + aspect in is with the `lgbtq` tag. 🏳️‍🌈

`lgbtq=primary` is for locations which cater to an exclusively or predominantly LGBTQ+ audience, either by the managers running it that way, or by overwhelming convention. Subtags (`lgbtq:*=*`) can be used for finer details.

Read more on the OSM Wiki 📝 <wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Ke>

Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈 and Happy Mapping! 🗺 🙂


OpenStreetMap (@openstreetmap@en.osm.town)

Föderation EN Mi 17.04.2024 16:00:19

📬 You've got mail! Germany's national postal service (Deutsche Post/DHL) has switched to OpenStreetMap for their public facing websites, deutschepost.de, dhl.de. 🎉🥳🎊🎁


OpenStreetMap (@openstreetmap@en.osm.town)

Föderation EN Mi 21.02.2024 16:01:51

There are now over 11,000 followers to this M̶a̶s̶t̶o̶d̶o̶n̶ Mapstodon account! 😍

The future of mapping is maps controlled by the people for the people, not big corporations or governments.
The future of social media is social media controlled by the people for the people, not big corporations or governments.

Democratic social media for democratic maps.


OpenStreetMap (@openstreetmap@en.osm.town)

Föderation EN Mo 12.02.2024 22:29:12

OpenStreetMap will take a large leap forward with the introduction of vector tiles on openstreetmap.org in 2024.



OpenStreetMap (@openstreetmap@en.osm.town)

Föderation EN Sa 10.02.2024 16:00:25

OpenStreetMap has been registered as a “Digital Public Good” by the Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA), which is a multi-stakeholder United Nations-endorsed initiative. The designation is an important step in making sure that OSM is recognized for its positive role in global economic development.


OpenStreetMap (@openstreetmap@en.osm.town)

Föderation EN Sa 13.01.2024 16:00:38

OpenStreetMap data is free, we only ask that you tell people about us in exchange¹.

Some site use OSM without attribution, *and* hotlink to OSMF tile servers. 😭 Our data is free, but our servers cost time & money. 🖥 It's now even easier for you to report naughty sites like that. 📝 They can (eventually) be blocked from freeloading. We hope this will increase visibility of OSM! 👍 🎉

Read more: github.com/openstreetmap/tile-

¹ to simplify the OSM licence req's.


OpenStreetMap (@openstreetmap@en.osm.town)

Föderation EN Mi 03.01.2024 16:03:24

Do you use as part of your job? Is your employer an OSMF Corporate Member? Here's how a company can join, and give back to the OSM project!



OpenStreetMap (@openstreetmap@en.osm.town)

Föderation EN So 24.12.2023 17:38:30

Congratulations to @weeklyOSM for publishing their 700 issue!

For years, the team of volunteers has published a weekly summary of what's happening in the OpenStreetMap world in many languages. Congrats!


Logo, with weekly OSM on the left and a big 700 on the right!

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