
Paul Chambers

Paul Chambers (@paul@oldfriends.live)

Föderation EN Fr 09.08.2024 13:08:12

@CoachMark @stux

2/An organic DDOS example would be, at midnight Taylor Swift tickets go on sale online. Then at midnight all the Taylor Swift fans go to the website to buy tickets. It crashes because the server can't handle all those people visiting to try to buy tickets all at once.

Malicious example would be someone mad at a website and sends a lot of fake traffic to a website so the website can't handle it so legitimate users can't access it.

Coach Mark

Coach Mark (@CoachMark@beige.party)

Föderation EN Fr 09.08.2024 13:13:08

@paul @stux That's a wonderful answer that I can grasp - thank you Paul. Have a great day. Much appreciated. And well done to @stux for getting things sorted.

Paul Chambers

Paul Chambers (@paul@oldfriends.live)

Föderation EN Fr 09.08.2024 13:14:06

@CoachMark @stux

You are welcome coach. Have a good day too

Coach Mark

Coach Mark (@CoachMark@beige.party)

Föderation EN Fr 09.08.2024 13:14:29

@paul Thanks! Always appreciate your content.



stux⚡ (@stux@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Fr 09.08.2024 13:15:18

@paul @CoachMark Unfort this was not a natural one :sad_cat:

I believe that at some point we got over 2M request per second..

Paul Chambers

Paul Chambers (@paul@oldfriends.live)

Föderation EN Fr 09.08.2024 13:19:55

@stux @CoachMark

Wow. That's a lot of Taylor Swift fans really wanting tickets. 😂

Go find yourself a bag and climb in and get some rest.

Cat in a bag

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