
Matthias Pfefferle

Matthias Pfefferle (@pfefferle@mastodon.social)

Föderation IT Mi 10.04.2024 22:46:16

@salvomic besides of that, you seem to host your site on siteground and they also block the WebFinger endpoints salvomicciche.com/.well-known/

So long story short: it sadly does not work on siteground shared hosting 😞

Salvo Micciché

Salvo Micciché (@salvomic@flipboard.social)

Föderation IT Mi 10.04.2024 22:47:42

I didn't know, then it's a shame. I will ask them, thank you

Salvo Micciché

Salvo Micciché (@salvomic@flipboard.social)

Föderation IT Mi 10.04.2024 22:51:34

Thank you for your support and advice.

So, for now, that's bad news. Too bad...