
Stefan Bohacek

Stefan Bohacek (@stefan@stefanbohacek.online)

Föderation EN So 01.09.2024 16:37:53

I think this is the first time I'm seeing a fediverse post embedded in an article by a major news site.


A screenshot from a section of the linked article showing an embedded Mastodon post from Tom Casavant @tom@tomkahe.com.

(Medien: 1)

Stefan Bohacek

Stefan Bohacek (@stefan@stefanbohacek.online)

Föderation EN So 01.09.2024 16:38:23

Hey @tom, do you have any insight into any impact this might have on your server resources?

Stefan Bohacek

Stefan Bohacek (@stefan@stefanbohacek.online)

Föderation EN So 01.09.2024 16:41:43

I feel like I should maybe cc @andypiper.

Andy Piper

Andy Piper (@andypiper@macaw.social)

Föderation EN So 01.09.2024 17:53:44

@stefan definitely also curious about the potential load for embeds, I don’t have any data of my own right now.