
infinite love â´³

infinite love ⴳ (@trwnh@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 17.09.2024 17:45:00

@julian @erincandescent @evan @silverpill Let me put it this way: the latter half of FEP-7888 can be summarized as "reifying context as an object, and specifically a Collection". If you *just* want the grouping, then it could be an arbitrary opaque IRI. But what you gain by reifying the context as an object is specifically the ability to give it metadata properties. Particularly things like `attributedTo` or `audience`. Maybe even `followers` or `outbox`. An opaque IRI cannot do this.

Erin 💽✨

Erin 💽✨ (@erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.net)

Föderation EN Di 17.09.2024 17:48:16

@trwnh @julian @evan @silverpill I never did the URI should be opaque; what I implied was that perhaps it should be an implementation detail URI as opposed to a directly visible one.

Some of this is that I wonder how decoupled such a thread truly is *semantically* from it's root post

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Di 17.09.2024 17:50:44

@trwnh @julian @erincandescent @silverpill you can also get the whole thing! That's the big benefit of having a `Collection` -- you can retrieve it.