Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 10:36:42 |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 10:41:47 @wikipedia congratulations 🩷 |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 10:45:04 @wikipedia Many happy returns (and edits and contributions) of the day! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 10:49:00 @wikipedia {{Citation needed}} |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 11:01:10 @wikipedia Only 24 years? I remember a lecturer complaining about us students using references to Wikipedia in 2003 when it must have been quite new. Didn't stop us. |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 11:23:33 @wikipedia so is Creative Commons. That's two birthdays in one. |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 11:45:12 @wikipedia 🎂🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾 |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 11:54:26 @wikipedia Congratulations! How does it feel to have simultaneously replaced physical encyclopedias and trivia of the day calendars? (Jk about the trivia calendars, their still around]) |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 12:01:11 Fantastic resource! AI makers owe it a great debt! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 12:06:21 @wikipedia Incredible! I remember having to go to the library to research in Encylopaedia Britannica, you would always end up waiting to get the volume you wanted and often ended up wandering along a different path. Of course, by the time it was printed, information was often out of date by a few years. Wikipedia has kept that loose thread to follow feel, and it’s testament to all those working on it that’s remained current and reliable. AI could never replace that. |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 12:06:41 @wikipedia Happy Birthday! An increasingly rare source of trustworthy data. No wonder the Alt right hate it. Donate to support if you can. |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 12:07:49 @wikipedia Congratulations! For some reason, I thought it must have been around even longer. Here's to the next 24 years and hopefully many years beyond that! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 12:19:38 @wikipedia |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 12:35:36 @wikipedia Happy Birthday! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 12:52:29 @wikipedia it's one of the few 24 year olds that maintained their integrity. Free, ad free, fact based and politically neutral. Thank you. |
Föderation · Mi 15.01.2025 14:47:36 @gi124@mastodon.social @wikipedia@wikis.world Is "politically neutral" supposed to be good 🤔 |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 13:17:54 @wikipedia congrats! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 13:24:40 Happy Birthday🎉 ! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 13:37:44 @wikipedia Congratulations! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 13:43:44 |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 13:52:15 @wikipedia Woohoo, happy birthday!! 🎉👏 |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 14:36:31 @wikipedia Happy birthday to the human version of chatgpt |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 14:47:12 happy birthday! 🎂 💐 |
Föderation · Mi 15.01.2025 14:47:48 @wikipedia@wikis.world Congratulations! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 14:50:34 24 años cumple hoy la Wikipedia. Soy tan vieja para recordar a amigos que aún no la conocían y cuando les contabas como funcionaba decían "algo así no puede funcionar nunca" 😂 Menudo caso de éxito de un proyecto hecho entre todas Feliz cumple, @wikipedia 🎂 |
Föderation ES Mi 15.01.2025 15:36:20 @sagilca Aprovecho este hito para recordar como gracias a un grupo de irreductibles ga-estoo españoles, se evitó que Wikipedia tuviera anuncios y se consiguió que se transformara en una fundación sin ánimo de lucro https://hipertextual.com/2021/04/wikipedia-anuncios-enciclopedia-libre-universal |
Föderation ES Mi 15.01.2025 15:39:40 @j3j5 @wikipedia Anda, no me sabía esta historia. Gracias! |
Föderation ES Mi 15.01.2025 15:44:19 @sagilca un año más y Leonardo Di Caprio ya no querrá salir en @wikipedia 🫣🫣🫣 |
Föderation ES Mi 15.01.2025 15:45:33 @irisvankirsten @wikipedia Me ha costado un poco pillarlo :D :D :D |
Föderation ES Mi 15.01.2025 16:51:17 @sagilca es flipante, la @wikipedia ! No me canso de usarla! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 14:52:03 @wikipedia Happy birthday and thanks for being around! |
Föderation · Mi 15.01.2025 15:23:19 @wikipedia@wikis.world no way, my bday is wikipedia bday???? |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 16:46:15 @azutsune happy birthday! --sf |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 15:52:36 One more year and it'll be able to rent a car. |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 16:01:15 @wikipedia Damn, that's crazy! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 16:31:29 @wikipedia awesome! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 16:55:54 @wikipedia I think that means it can rent a car now. |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 17:08:08 @wikipedia Happy birthday my dear WIKI |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 17:09:16 @wikipedia Huge thanks to the contributors! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 17:09:22 @wikipedia Happy birthday! =) |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 17:16:12 @wikipedia #Wikipedia: the only one of the mega-websites from the early 2000s (started in 2001, I think) that got better over time. And what a wonder it has become. |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 18:16:31 @wikipedia happy birthday |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 20:35:03 @wikipedia thought it was even older. Happy Birthday. |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 20:52:28 @wikipedia Long life to wikipedia !! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 21:28:41 @wikipedia |
Föderation · Mi 15.01.2025 22:04:40 Happy Birthday! |
Föderation EN Mi 15.01.2025 22:38:47 @wikipedia happy #WikipediaDay ! |
Föderation CA Mi 15.01.2025 22:55:59 @wikipedia La viquipèdia, en català, és la número 31 en quant a nombre d'usuaris actius. D'un total de 340! |
Föderation EN Do 16.01.2025 00:33:00 Congratulations! One bad news is that starting January 15, 2026 Leonardo DiCaprio would no longer visit Wikipedia. |
Föderation EN Do 16.01.2025 01:15:16 @wikipedia |
Föderation EN Do 16.01.2025 01:20:59 @wikipedia Incredible to believe the project is now that old. |