

Stevan (@withaveeay@mastodon.scot)

Föderation EN Mi 18.10.2023 18:00:24

How well do you know your Scotland. Where are we overnighting tonight?
I'll let you know later, but in the meantime, bring on the guesses.

An evening sun lit scene. A rver meanders through beautifully autumnal trees. Some small boats are toed up alongside the river

(Medien: 1)


Stevan (@withaveeay@mastodon.scot)

Föderation EN Mi 18.10.2023 19:05:50

Awww, everyone's given up.
We're in Killin, at a lovely hotel, overlooking the River Lochay, a stone's throw from where it flows into Loch Tay. Tomorrow, we head through Rob Roy country (keeping a close lookout, so don't worry) then maybe drop in at Loch Katrine, so beloved by Walter Scott, before heading to The Dear Green Place for the Glasgow School of Yarns event.
We're taking the scenic route, because life's too short to go too fast, and our land is beautiful.