

william.maggos (@wjmaggos@liberal.city)

Föderation EN Mi 20.03.2024 21:25:13

Can't we have a main room monthly?


FediForum (@fediforum@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 22.03.2024 00:11:32

@wjmaggos What would you want to happen at such a monthly main room?


william.maggos (@wjmaggos@liberal.city)

Föderation EN Fr 22.03.2024 00:26:51


mostly see/hear the big names discuss the issues and big projects we're all thinking about, with some contributions from the rest of us and interesting smaller stuff as well. I wish @Gargron @tchambers and @mmasnick had been there.

Johannes Ernst

Johannes Ernst (@J12t@social.coop)

Föderation EN Fr 22.03.2024 01:15:49

@wjmaggos So we are trying to get monthly developer meetups happening on a regular basis. We had tried last year, but they sort of petered out, not enough people could make time on a regular basis. Maybe this year!

Also, various people are apparently attempting to start local in-person fediverse meetups in their geographies. I think we should see how that goes, and then decide what else we need.
