


Flipboard (@Flipboard@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Fr 20.09.2024 23:19:53

⭐️This Week's Featured Voices on Flipboard⭐️
It's not just Mastodon and Threads accounts you can discover on Flipboard — you can also find and follow folks from (to paraphrase the Beatles) across the fediverse! In this week's Community tab, we featured these photography accounts from @pixelfed:


Follow their accounts in the app to see their photography right alongside content from your favorite publishers. If you miss them in the Community tab, you can always search for their accounts on Flipboard.

Download the Flipboard app to check it out:

Nextcloud 📱☁️💻

Nextcloud 📱☁️💻 (@nextcloud@mastodon.xyz)

Föderation EN Do 19.09.2024 19:25:01

Our new Nextcloud Hub 9 is live! 🎉

From federated video calling and chat, to new designs and dynamic backgrounds, full mobile sync folders, and more!

Available to install immediately with updates rolling out now - stay tuned!


Ayo Ayco

Ayo Ayco (@ayo@social.ayco.io)

Föderation EN Fr 13.09.2024 12:45:45

I don’t know who needs to hear this but…

Federation != Decentralization

If you want proof look at bsky implementation

Mastodon is both federated and decentralized. A community can form in the middle of nowhere without the need to connect to Mastodon.social

That’s not the case in bsky?

Larvitz :fedora: :redhat:

Larvitz :fedora: :redhat: (@Larvitz@burningboard.net)

Föderation DE Mi 21.08.2024 12:41:55

Sieh die Federation unserer Mastodon-Instanz burningboard.net in Echtzeit: watch.burningboard.net/

Dies ist möglich durch die großartige Arbeit von @thomas

Bryan Redeagle

Bryan Redeagle (@bryan@soc.redeagle.me)

Föderation · Mi 07.08.2024 04:53:59

I'm surprised that no one has used ActivityPub to federate block and allow lists. All they are is a collection of actors. Even the instances themselves could be classified as a Service (which is a type of actor).

wakest ⁂

wakest ⁂ (@liaizon@social.wake.st)

Föderation EN So 04.08.2024 22:17:01

This is a milestone worth celebrating! :fediverse:
In development as we speak, @forgejo can now federate comments (and tons of other stuff) from issues in repos!!!

The first screenshot is @algernon (a Forgejo account able to be tagged in this post!) commenting on the issue: shoes.forgejo.madhouse-project as seen in @phanpy while logged into my Mastodon account!

a screenshot of a Fogejo account with comments as seen through a Mastodon account logged into Phanpy

a screenshot of a Fogejo issue that contains comments that are viewed in the previous screenshot

(Medien: 2)

Nextcloud 📱☁️💻

Nextcloud 📱☁️💻 (@nextcloud@mastodon.xyz)

Föderation EN So 04.08.2024 19:25:01

Federated chatting - now in Nextcloud Talk! 🌍 ↔️ 🌎

Add users from independent Nextcloud Hub instances in group conversations and communicate easily without leaving your own Nextcloud. Federated features are ideal for projects between teams using different Nextcloud Hubs, enabling flexible, secure collaboration without third-party messengers.

Learn more about how federated chats work in Nextcloud Hub 8! 👇



Flipboard (@Flipboard@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Do 01.08.2024 20:12:50

@andypiper@macaw.social is head of developer and community relations at Mastodon, and a longterm Flipboard user. Here's his take on our journey into the fediverse, and his experience of having his Flipboard account federated (follow his Flipboard account here: @andypiper@flipboard.com

If you're a Flipboard user and would like to have your account federated, apply at the second link below.




Flipboard (@Flipboard@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Mi 26.06.2024 18:02:43

@ghost founder and CEO @johnonolan wants to build a tech company that thinks differently. Learn how ActivityPub is enabling a new kind of publishing platform, with integrity at its core. It’s a new episode of the Dot Social podcast highlighting leaders in the fediverse, hosted by @mike


Catch up on past episodes of the podcast in Mike’s Storyboard collection:


To learn more about what Flipboard's doing in the fediverse, sign up here:


Flipboard News Desk

Flipboard News Desk (@NewsDesk@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Di 18.06.2024 18:35:03

As part of our mission to bring more high-quality journalism to the fediverse, we’re federating today the profiles of nine U.S. media sites, bringing their content to Mastodon and other platforms. We think this is especially important now as the world faces serious crises like Ukraine, Gaza and climate change — not to mention pivotal elections coming up this year in several countries.

We’re delighted to welcome this next wave of trusted publishers:
Bloomberg: @bloomberg
Bloomberg Law: @BloombergLaw
Bloomberg CityLab: @citylab
The Kyiv Independent: @KyivIndependent
Politico: @politico
Quartz: @quartz
Salon: @Salon
Time: @time
Vox: @Vox

Here are just a few of the amazing Magazines you’ll be able to follow:
Business News by Quartz, @business-news-quartz
Congress by Politico, @congress-politico
Markets by Bloomberg, @markets-bloomberg
News & Politics by Salon, @news-politics-Salon
Supreme Court by Vox, @supreme-court-Vox
Urban Planning by Bloomberg City Lab, @urban-planning-citylab
World News by Time, @world-time

More details on today's announcement: about.flipboard.com/inside-fli