
BeAware :fediverse:

BeAware :fediverse: (@BeAware@social.beaware.live)

Föderation EN Fr 23.08.2024 21:04:20

@tom the issue is, it strips out the diversity and interconnectedness of the logo, which is the point of Fedi....

Tom Casavant

Tom Casavant (@tom@tomkahe.com)

Föderation EN Fr 23.08.2024 21:13:39

@BeAware which is absolutely a fair complaint! Like I said I don't like the current popular suggestion. But that's why it's the opportunity for people (who are significantly better at design than me) to debate the logo because I also don't like meta's version for the exact same reason and that's gonna be the one we end up with 5 years from now.

Hell, I'm sure there's a way to take the current fedi logo and modify it slightly so it does work in flipboard's (or tumblr or Ghost or whoever else joins in the near future) design language and I feel like it's an important discussion to have now before everyone just ends up with Meta's boring version.