
D. B. Stuck

D. B. Stuck (@MyWoolyMastadon@toot.community)

Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 18:22:03


Curious as to what the Riddle-O-Matic originally was used for. Silliness for visitors that created a never ending stream of content, or one of those traps to keep unwanted web bots busy for hours as a big FU to that sort of thing?

Stupid me. You had a link to it. 😁


eclectech (@eclectech@things.uk)

Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 18:28:53

@MyWoolyMastadon It was so long ago the specifics are lost in the midst of time, but we made a LOT of nonsense online playthings & I think it was mainly idle curiosity about how best to do it & whether any of them would 'work' in a human sense (answer - sometimes, in part).

We used to play with getting top spots on Google back then too, did a few newsworthy Googlebombs, & I think we had half a mind that it would be 'sticky' for anything automated.


hambach18 (@hambach18@kanoa.de)

Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 21:08:32

I had a map on my website but instead of using javascript vor moving the map it can be moved and zoomed by clicking on links. The server script then generates a new site and calculates new links for navigation.
Because zoom is limited to 19 it can generate 1+4^18 sites.
trafficpixel.tk/kamera/viewmap I also had another map and a table with "show next page", both without a set limit.
Three bots scraped the maps pre-2020 and I could stop them with trafficpixel.tk/robots.txt
