
Laurens Hof

Laurens Hof (@laurenshof@indieweb.social)

Föderation EN Sa 14.09.2024 22:34:23

@pfefferle @renchap how did this go to game 5??

so tense

Matthias Pfefferle

Matthias Pfefferle (@pfefferle@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 14.09.2024 22:36:06

@laurenshof @renchap you are also into geoguessing?

Laurens Hof

Laurens Hof (@laurenshof@indieweb.social)

Föderation EN Sa 14.09.2024 22:37:06

@pfefferle @renchap yes! used to play it, not anymore but mainly watch it. used to watch geowizard a lot, now the esports competitions mainly, theyre super fun

Renaud Chaput

Renaud Chaput (@renchap@oisaur.com)

Föderation EN Sa 14.09.2024 22:47:55

@laurenshof @pfefferle Geowizard channel is amazing, even if he does less Geoguessr lately. For a more competive player, I really like Zi8gzag’s channel

Matthias Pfefferle

Matthias Pfefferle (@pfefferle@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 15.09.2024 00:18:08

@renchap @laurenshof I re-watched some of the games ☺️

Renaud Chaput

Renaud Chaput (@renchap@oisaur.com)

Föderation EN Sa 14.09.2024 22:36:16

@laurenshof @pfefferle Blinky’s famous finale curse, same as last year? 😱

Renaud Chaput

Renaud Chaput (@renchap@oisaur.com)

Föderation EN Sa 14.09.2024 22:41:08

@laurenshof @pfefferle πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Matthias Pfefferle

Matthias Pfefferle (@pfefferle@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 14.09.2024 22:41:55

@renchap @laurenshof 😊 πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸŽ‰