
Nick G

Nick G (@ratcatcher@c.im)

Föderation EN Mo 13.11.2023 19:00:53


There still seem to be some issues with media in feeds (even after applying the latest beta update). This, for example:


The text appears, but I just see a rotating arrow in place of the media.

Nick G

Nick G (@ratcatcher@c.im)

Föderation EN Di 14.11.2023 11:19:57


Interestingly, if I now follow that link, the media "resolves", ie the rotating circle is replaced, after a second or two, with a still image (as expected, given that I have autoplay turned off).

But others, by that poster and others, still sit there with the rotating circle.

This is a recent change - from maybe 3 builds back. Prior to that it worked as expected.


trunks.social (@trunksapp@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Mi 15.11.2023 05:01:07

@ratcatcher yeah it's all the new media changes. I'm stabilizing