
Ricky Mondello


Mo 21.11.2022

Beiträge: 2.572Folgt: 316Folgende: 13.058

đź’š Friend
🏳️‍⚧️ Trans, nonbinary, they/them
🔑 Pass{keys, codes, words}
🧛🏻‍♀️ It’s not a phase
🦔 Speedrunner





Twitch (amateur retro streamer)


Ricky Mondello

Ricky Mondello (@rmondello@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Do 15.08.2024 14:28:38

For me, in Ivory, all shared YouTube links look like this. Anyone know what this is about / is anyone else experiencing this?

Weird YouTube link preview with German text.

(Medien: 1)

Ricky Mondello

Ricky Mondello (@rmondello@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Mo 08.07.2024 06:03:43

What password manager would you recommend to someone who uses primarily Android and Windows? I know it’s not the one I help make. :)

Google Password Manager? Bitwarden?

Ricky Mondello

Ricky Mondello (@rmondello@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 21:48:44

I just realized that I accidentally blew someone off at WWDC last week because their “Private Mention” got buried under everyone being super kind and saying nice things last week and now I am really motivated to figure out how to better stay on top of “Private Mentions” on Mastodon.

Ricky Mondello

Ricky Mondello (@rmondello@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Fr 15.12.2023 14:10:17

If you recently joined Threads because of the Europe thing, I’ve (reluctantly) been trying to use it more, because I’ve missed some of my people. You can follow me here: threads.net/@rickymondello