
Ricky Mondello

Ricky Mondello (@rmondello@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 21:48:44

I just realized that I accidentally blew someone off at WWDC last week because their “Private Mention” got buried under everyone being super kind and saying nice things last week and now I am really motivated to figure out how to better stay on top of “Private Mentions” on Mastodon.


codeOfRobin (@codeOfRobin@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 21:51:13

@rmondello the....what now? How do you look at those?

ko kāihe ahau 🫏 :verified:

ko kāihe ahau 🫏 :verified: (@donkey@mastodon.nz)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 22:06:36

@MonaApp has a tab for private mentions. Not sure about @ivory though, sorry.

David Nelson

David Nelson (@dmnelson@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 22:10:34

@rmondello This is definitely a gap in today’s Mastodon clients. FWIW, Mona has a dedicated Messages tab for viewing your visible-to-mentioned-people-only toots. But it it’s the only app I’m aware of that has this anymore. Seems like most anyone who had any sort of DM tab took it out in response to the outcry of “but private messages aren’t really private in the Fediverse”. Which is a legitimate concern, but I’m not sure that entirely removing the UI for it was the right answer.

Fynn Becker

Fynn Becker (@mvsde@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 22:16:45

@dmnelson @rmondello On the Android side Tusky still has a dedicated private messages tab. The tabs are configurable, but by default it’s there.

Julio J. 🀲

Julio J. 🀲 (@j3j5@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 22:17:28

@dmnelson @rmondello on the web, the delightful @phanpy also lets you see only private mentions (besides styling them clearly).

Renaud Chaput

Renaud Chaput (@renchap@oisaur.com)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 22:20:18

@dmnelson @rmondello That's why we keep it as "private mentions" in the Mastodon web UI while changing the wording to show that those are not "private messages”.
We know this is a thing to solve in the ecosystem, but as with many things, it needs resources and there is a severe lack of money/time that we have not yet been able to solve.

Eric Eggert

Eric Eggert (@yatil@yatil.social)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 22:40:59

@dmnelson @rmondello Mona is the best!

Tobia Alberti

Tobia Alberti (@tobiaalberti@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 22:54:45

@dmnelson @rmondello The @IceCubesApp also has a DM tab you can enable (they’re still calling them direct messages). I don’t remember if it’s enabled by default or not.

David Nelson

David Nelson (@dmnelson@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 17.06.2024 02:26:28

@tobiaalberti @rmondello @IceCubesApp Oh, thanks for pointing that out! I missed that that was an option in Ice Cubes. 👍

Mark Gardner

Mark Gardner (@mjgardner@social.sdf.org)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 23:02:23

@dmnelson @rmondello Yep, this is my bottom tab bar on @MonaApp for .

Left to right:
• Home
• Notifications
• Lists
• Hashtags
• Search
• Messages (active)
• Bookmarks
• Explore
• More

I’ve changed some of the icons because the defaults weren’t as intuitive to me. (Another point in ’s favor)

tab bar icons for Mona client for Mastodon on iPhone

(Medien: 1)


Niléane (@nileane@nileane.fr)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 22:11:48

@rmondello I really hope we're going to get a dedicated tab for them in Ivory 🤞

Sindarina, Edge Case Detective

Sindarina, Edge Case Detective (@sindarina@ngmx.com)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 23:00:51

@rmondello Toot! does this, by the way. Separate tab, and new direct messages appear as little bubbles with the sender’s avatar. Also has grouped notifications.


Jeri Dansky

Jeri Dansky (@jeridansky@sfba.social)

Föderation EN Mo 17.06.2024 01:02:26

@sindarina I never realized seeing direct messages was an issue for some folks since the two apps I use, Toot! and Mona, both provide for this.

Sindarina, Edge Case Detective

Sindarina, Edge Case Detective (@sindarina@ngmx.com)

Föderation EN Mo 17.06.2024 01:07:41

@jeridansky Yeah, I suspect that Ivory will get around to it eventually as well.

John Gruber

John Gruber (@gruber@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 17.06.2024 00:15:20

@rmondello Now that you've caught up (and I'm catching up), please accept my hearty congrats on a big week for you and your team. Passwords app looks very good.

Johannes Stühler

Johannes Stühler (@jpstuehler@mas.to)

Föderation EN Mo 17.06.2024 00:22:27

@gruber @rmondello could have easily been the best new app this year but strong competition with the all new calculator app 🤩🥳

Ricky Mondello

Ricky Mondello (@rmondello@hachyderm.io)

Föderation EN Di 18.06.2024 18:16:20

@gruber Thank you so much, John. This means a lot.

Gabriel N

Gabriel N (@wtrmt@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 18.06.2024 18:22:02

@gruber @rmondello it looks very good indeed! I’m looking forward to use it.

In the meantime: you published a shortcut to open the current password manager that could be used as a button in the current iOS: can you point me to it? I need to install it in my moms iPad