
Sindarina, Edge Case Detective

Sindarina, Edge Case Detective (@sindarina@ngmx.com)

Föderation EN So 16.06.2024 23:00:51

@rmondello Toot! does this, by the way. Separate tab, and new direct messages appear as little bubbles with the sender’s avatar. Also has grouped notifications.


Jeri Dansky

Jeri Dansky (@jeridansky@sfba.social)

Föderation EN Mo 17.06.2024 01:02:26

@sindarina I never realized seeing direct messages was an issue for some folks since the two apps I use, Toot! and Mona, both provide for this.

Sindarina, Edge Case Detective

Sindarina, Edge Case Detective (@sindarina@ngmx.com)

Föderation EN Mo 17.06.2024 01:07:41

@jeridansky Yeah, I suspect that Ivory will get around to it eventually as well.