
Nordnick 🐘

Nordnick 🐘 (@nick)

Tusky EN Mi 06.12.2023 07:56:03


Another question... ;-)

The old behavior of the notification tab (pre Tusky 22.0) has been restored. PR#4015

What is the reason behind this?

I'm typing this using 21 to allow me testing notifications with and without relying on the pagination link headers using my server software.

Afair this was the difference, right?


Tusky (@Tusky@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 06.12.2023 09:40:59

@nick We had a lot of complaints about the 22-23 behavior of the notifications tab, particularly that it was very unusable when you had a lot of notifications that you hadn't loaded yet (scroll to top, wait for a page to load, scroll to top, wait…).

We decided to roll back the change (which also included a big refactor of the notifications timeline and surrounding code) and try a different approach for a future version.